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Abby quickly rushed her to locker to wrap her belt around her waist and grab her blaster before it was too late, the parasite already starting to storm the bedroom! From the upper vent a tentacle suddenly came out ! It was blind, but how could this thing know instantly that Abby was around ?

"What the fuck is this ?!" She said out loud as she saw the tentacle reaching towards her

Abby rushed the elevator, hoping it would serve as a safe space and immediately pressed the button towards....:

(Dear Patreons you choose her destination ! WARNING: Some choices may require rolling a virtual dice)

A-Level 2C - Security Room
B-Level 3D - Laboratories
C-Level 4A - Escape Pods Compartment
D-Level 5 - Storage Room

Please comment the path you'd like to see (Answers until Monday 02/19/24 - 00:00 Paris Time)




D - Storage Room. Let's get some distance from that thing.