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On board the ship Aurora, Guardian Abby-712, one of the many Human-Replica of the Venus Empire was ready to end her shift. As a Guardian, she was tasked with guarding the dangerous entity that the Aurora was containing and transporting to the empires great mother planet.  

Her job as security was of the upmost importance. Guardians were multi-purpose Replica tasked to keep the entity contained while studying them. Then there were the Sentinels, both security and military troopers, usually patrolling and securing the restricted areas from non authorized personnel. And then the Attendant, informally known as technician, tasked to provide both comfort to personnel on board and technical maintenance. And then finally,  the Supervisors, Replica bred for serving as officers or high chiefs.  

All four classes of these female human Replica were on board the Aurora, one of the most prestigious in the great empires fleet, such was the danger of the creature that they'd hoped to bring back that they'd even provided back up in the form of  Security-Robots,  and state of the art A.I to pilot the ship so that all hands could focus purely on containment.

Everything seemed to be in order and calm in this part of the universe...For now



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