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Story by https://www.deviantart.com/heroesfallacadamy, Kimberly also belongs to HeroesFallAcadamy.


Back outside, the trio would sit on the steps to the exhibition centre. The police officer stepped away after questioning them. Kim practically sprawled out on the steps as Minako finally finished off her water. 

"Can we just...go somewhere without something going wrong?" Minako sulked.

"I will admit," Yui spoke up. "You and Kimberly work well as a team... I suppose she's not as bad of an influence on you as I first thought."

Kim suddenly sat herself up. "Yo! Was...was that a compliment?! Did Your Mom just compliment me!?" Minako just laughed, smiling at her Mom. "Don't let it go to your head."

Yui smiled back towards Minako. "I promise to attend your next class. Even if it's one you're teaching. I'm proud of you, daughter."

Minako leaned against Kim, who leant back. "I suppose this happens to me all the time. It's good to have someone who's got my back."

"Always will Minnie. Always will." She wrapped her arm around Minako's shoulder.

Minako was then startled by her stomach rumbling. "I'd hate to ruin the moment...but I am fucking famished."

Kim and Yui both turned to Minako and spoke up "LANGUAGE!" as the three laughed.


So that concludes this series, once again, thank you to HeroesFall for writing this for me.

HOWEVER, you should definitely keep an eye on our discord for some bonus pics I'll be uploading soon, involving the trio falling victim to the brainwashing after all....



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