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Story by https://www.deviantart.com/heroesfallacadamy, Kimberly also belongs to HeroesFallAcadamy.


"M-Mom?" Minako asked, still confused before she suddenly snapped back to reality.

 "Mom!? Are you okay?!"

"I'm sorry sweetie. I should've warned you..."

"Warned me? What the fuck do you mean?"

Given their situation, Yui allowed Minako's foul mouth just this once. 

"My work isn't what you think it is. I was investigating this PMC, the passcode came through when the tournament was starting. I thought I could be quick about it but--"

"Wait, wait, wait. Slow down. What the hell is a PMC doing here?!?

“I'm getting to that bit Min! Just...Wait...” 

Yui's eyes narrowed “I thought you'd be more surprised”

“By some military thing showing up? Cause yeah I am!”

“Nonono! I mean by me doing all of this! Acting like...Like”

“Some sleuth?” Min finished for her, allowing herself the smallest of smirks.

“...Explain now” Yui ordered, the two having seemingly forgotten their life threatening situation.

“You're not as good as hiding shi-stuff” Min began “I figured this out when I was like..I dunno, 10? You got all that photography equipment, I always kept finding notes you'd try to hide...”

“You mean in that cabinet I repeatedly told you not to go into?” Yui frowned.


"I hid it from you for a reason Minnie." Yui sighed, “Its not a safe life, I mean just look at us now” She added, bringing attention back to their bound state.

Minako squirmed in her bonds for a second before replying “Yeah I know that! But honestly, I thought you were fu-freaking awesome, busting bad guys and all that, you were the coolest mom ever, and well, at first, I thought if I started doing what you did, you'd be proud of me...”

The older of the two let out a faint smile “I've always been proud of you Minnie” Yui leaning her head back to touch Minako's own. “I know I can be hard on you sometimes, but deep down, I know you mean well, and...Well, I guess I need to get used to the idea of seeing my little girl all grown up...”

She'd smile to herself. "I don't suppose me telling you this is going to stop you from getting into trouble?"

Minako gulped to hold back her emotions, smiling back at her mothers comment 

“Y-you gotta know me better than that, I got the same bug that you do for busting jerks" She added before leaning back too. 

"...And...Thanks mom. Really"

"Anytime dear, now let's focus on getting out of here."



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