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Story by https://www.deviantart.com/heroesfallacadamy, Kimberly also belongs to HeroesFallAcadamy.


Minako had her feet kicked up onto her boyfriend Johnny's lap, stretching her arms out above her head. The couple were enjoying a rare night in for the two of them. With Minako's habit of getting into trouble and Johnny's work schedule, time spent together was rare to come across.

 The glow of the TV coated them in a blue light as they fought over what remained of their snacks for movie night. The credits rolled for the first movie as Johnny reached for the remote to find something else to watch.

"Got time for one more?" the man asked, switching back to the menu of whatever streaming service they decided on for the night.

"I dunno..." Minako replied. "I've got to be up early tomorrow, ya know?" she sighed, swivelling around to sit up properly, leaning herself against Johnny's shoulder. "There's a BJJ exhibition happening in Washington. Gonna be out of town for a few days at max. Dragging Kim along with some peeps from the gym. Plus my mom won't let me hear the end of it if I'm late..." She added.

Johnny smiled sweetly at her and sighed. It wasn't at all late, but he understood. Minako's had been going on and on about how this could help the future of the gym. Whilst also putting her name out there as a legit fighter, something that the eager 20 year old was all too happy to showcase.

"What if we watched a karate movie!? It doubles as you studying, right?" He passed her a cheeky grin, flinching slightly as Minako swatted at him with a pillow. 

"Johnnnny..." Minako pouted. "I promise we'll catch up when I get back. 'kay?" She stood herself up and stretched once more. Her figure gets caught in the light, giving Johnny a decent view. Not that she was doing it on purpose. She was quite oblivious to her shirt riding up to flash the man her abs.

Upon drawing his attention away from his partner's figure he nodded. Stumbling on his words as he went to speak. "O-Okay I'll join you in a moment then." He picked up their trash and dirty plates and cups. Moving them to the kitchen attached to the lounge of their apartment as Minako retreated to the bedroom.

As Minako got out of her clothes,  her partner walked in after shutting off the TV and lights to the rest of the apartment. Blushing as he usually did, which granted him a cheeky expression from Minako, who dove into the covers.

"C'moooon...I'm getting cooold..." the brown-haired woman commented, surrounding herself with multiple plushies of various shapes and sizes with the most gremlin esque look on her face as she was pulled close by her boyfriend. The two soon closing their eyes and drifting off to sleep.


The duo were awoken by the blaring alarms set by Minako. Not just her alarm clock but the multiple alarms she had set on her phone. And on her Alexa. And on her other alarm clock.

She was deterimed to make sure she wasn't going to oversleep. 

She jolted out of bed and got her stuff ready, stuffing her gym wear and gear into a bag. She had remembered everything else but packing totally slipped her mind. Fortunately, Johnny rushed around with her to get everything ready so she wouldn't miss the bus. One quick shower and a fresh set of clothes. Minako was ready to tackle the day.

With one final kiss shared between them, Minako headed out of the door. But before she could leave, Johnny stopped her and pulled her back in for another kiss. "Okay, okay! I love you too!" Johnny chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Go get 'em!" Minako slung her backpack over her shoulder and started jogging towards the bus stop where her mother and Kim were waiting.



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