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"Well, this time round was rather disappointing" An old voice spoke, looking over the broken body of Dalilah, life draining out of it as it gave some last finger twitches to signal the beauty's end.

"Maybe for your next visit, we'll have you start elsewhere, I would like a bit more fight from you afterall...Thats where the fun is" He smirked, a light glow coming from his hand, the Egyptian suddenly gasping as her wounds healed.

"I do enjoy our games Miss Mesbah, and I'm sure by tomorrow you'll be ready to try again...But until then...Take care..."


Dalilah woke with a start, eyes wide and ready before the rest of her body caught up, she was back in her own bed, her own apartment, her own clothes.

She was getting sick of that dream...No...More like a nightmare.




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