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"AHHHHH!" Tilting her head at the loud yell, Abby moved her legs faster against the water and passed through a half open gate, where she saw her crewmate, Elsa-127 frozen in fear against the horrendous creature in front of her.

"I got ya !" Abby shouted as she pulled out her blaster and fired at the creature multiple times, killing it instantly.

The blonde woman yelped as it died in front of her and she turned to her savior.

"Abby ! You saved me ! Thank you !" She rushed in her words as she got into the water with Abby.

"We don't have much time, we need to leave now." Said the blondie.

"But where and how ?" answered the brunette.

Elsa pointed at a vent near the end of the room.


The brunette smiled.  

"Great ! We could make it towards the escape pods sector through there."

Elsa nodded and took the lead.




Even better than a trusty weapon is a good friend. Best of all is both.