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No Echo next week as I need a break from writing 3 chapters a week but we will continue the Echos after that small interruption.

As always enjoy.


Echos Chapter 5

Darius Blackwell watched as his grandfather talked to the man in black leather armor.

He knew what they were talking about because he had been training for this moment for the last five years.

His great great grandfather, the very ancestor he’d been named after, had been sponsored by this man close to two hundred years ago, which was a mind boggling thought. The family had figured that would be his only investment into them when he hadn’t appeared for Darius’ great grandfather, but they weren’t upset.

The man’s initial intervention had propelled Darius’ namesake from a poor orphan into a well respected, if only locally known fighter. That had allowed Darius I to establish himself in Lilly after the rift breaks, and earn enough to settle down and start a family of fighters. No one had expected him to return in his grandfather's generation to sponsor the man on The Path.

Alfonso Cortes was an enigmatic man who no one had been able to figure out.

The fact that he was alive to this day meant he was at least Tier 7, if not higher. And from what his grandfather had said, Mr. Cortes only looked a few years older than when he had come to recruit him.

And now, it was Darius' turn.

His grandfather, despite being a Tier 5 himself, couldn’t sponsor him. He had only reached Tier 4 on The Path, and had reached Tier 5 after stepping off and having Darius' father.

It was just hard to advance beyond Tier 3 on Lilly. Even his grandfather was talking about leaving Lilly and going adventuring to another planet with higher Tier rifts, but he had been waiting for Darius to grow up and either join The Path, or choose a life outside the rifts.

Darius couldn’t really imagine living such a life though. His father was a merchant and spent most of his days bartering goods and materials. Darius had seen how that worked and found that idea far too dull.

At least his mother had a slightly interesting job as a smith, but even then, she mostly just worked with the metal his grandfather brought out of rifts. It made the profit margins great, as she resmithed the metal into weapons and armor, but it was all Tier 1 and Tier 2 stuff since she wasn’t an enchanter.

Darius' uncle was an enchanter, but he spent most of his time making Tier 3 or Tier 4 items. Production at that Tier took forever, but they had a much better profit margin according to his father.

Darius wanted nothing to do with that. No, he wanted to delve like his grandfather.

Fighting was in his blood.

The Talent reader even said so.

Tier 1 Talent: Increase physical cultivation relative to heart rate.

No one could say he didn’t belong in a rift after that.

And it was his turn to go to the PlayPen and start his own adventure.

Or it would be, if his grandfather could stop talking to Mr. Cortes.

He shot his grandfather a pleading look that seemed to sway the man.

Laughing, he stood up. “My grandson is getting impatient. I really must thank you Mr. Cortes, for your continued kindness to our family.”

Mr. Cortes shook his head even as he took Darius’ grandfather's extended hand. “Nothing of the sort. I understand how he feels. So do you. And this cost me nothing, so think nothing of it.”

The two adults smiled in a way Darius didn’t really understand, but he did his best to not fidget. His heart rate was up, and that made him feel like he chugged an energy drink. Moving was the best cure he knew of.

Mr. Cortes waved over his shoulder as he led Darius out of the family estate.

It wasn’t large, but it was home.

Part of Darius was excited to leave, but another, much smaller part, was worried.

He had already said goodbye to his parents, but they and his aunts, uncles, and cousins stood there waving to him.

Darius waved and almost tripped over his own feet as he spun back around.

Mr. Cortes chuckled even as he caught Darius. “Careful there.”

Blushing slightly, Darius smiled at his family, but his smile was cut off when he didn’t see a car outside the estate.

How were they going to get to the PlayPen? Or rather, the train station? From what he understood, his grandfather and namesake had been delivered to the nearest city, where he had then made his own way to the PlayPen.

Mr. Cortes pulled a blade out of a small bag on his waist and Darius blinked as he realized the bag was a spatial item.

He had seen them before; his family had a few of them they used in their various business ventures, but he had never seen one so small.

His excitement only mounted as he realized that Mr. Cortes had a flying sword.

“Hop on, Darius.”

Following Mr. Cortes' instructions, Darius jumped on the blade and marveled at how stable the sword was. It didn’t even wobble as he landed.

They took to the air and Darius used the opportunity to view the family estate from above.

The Blackwell estate was large and sprawling, but it was still contained inside the ten foot high walls that the original Darius had created. A dozen smaller houses surrounded the main house, which was where most of the smaller extended families lived. Farther behind the main house, he was able to see the fort-like building containing the family’s rifts.

A rift of each Tier wasn’t necessarily impressive, but it ensured the family never needed to worry about outside resources for their rift access. They still delved the surrounding rifts as part of their responsibilities as an outlying family, of course. It was their job to ensure the rifts were delved, which helped prevent rift breaks and monsters from wandering into the nearby city. But those rifts were still technically owned by the Baroness, unlike the rifts inside their estate.

Mr. Cortes let him watch for a moment before he took off into the clouds.

Darius’ heart was racing, and he couldn't help but imagine he was flying under his own power.

It was a marvelous feeling that didn’t last nearly long enough, as they quickly reached the nearest city. It was normally a five hour drive through the mountains and forest, but on Mr. Cortes' flying sword, it had only taken them an hour.

As they landed at the edge of the city, Mr. Cortes looked down. “I’m sure your grandfather told you all about it, but let me go over some of the things you will need to know about the PlayPen. First things first, take some lessons with the fighting instructors and rent out a training room. You get a small credit limit that can help you buy weapons and armor, but you should take a lesson on the local rifts. The Tier 1 rift is a goblin rift, and while it's not a hard one, it can be dangerous if you aren't prepared. The Tier 2 rift is a bug rift, and while the individual monsters aren't too dangerous, they can easily overwhelm you if you aren't careful. The Tier 3 rift is a winter rift with wolves. It's a large step up in difficulty, but not that difficult if you take it slow and pick them off. Also, get good cold weather gear. The cold will seep into your bones before you know it, slowing you down.”

Darius already knew all of this, but he nodded and recommitted everything to memory. Preparation was how to survive a delve, after all.

His grandfather wasn’t too old at ninety years old as a Tier 5, but if he didn’t start to advance once more, age would start to catch up with him sooner rather than later. That meant Darius needed to be ready to step up and keep feeding the greater family resources.

They were a family of fighters, but the Tier 5 potion was expensive. It had taken a lot of their family’s wealth just to afford the breakthrough potion his grandfather needed after he’d left the Path. He’d heard stories, legends really, of those who managed to reach Tier 5 without a potion, and he wanted to be one of the few and brave who managed it, bring honor to his family’s name for finding such a lost, forgotten technique. He’d excel and exceed, and make everyone know the name of Blackwell!

If he was able to do well on The Path and reach a higher Tier than his grandfather, he would be able to support the family from afar, and give everyone access to resources and skills they could only dream of.

Even his grandfather only had two skills due to how expensive they were.

Tier 5.

Then he’d get his first skill.

He could do that.

He was so lost in his thoughts, he almost missed when Mr. Cortes handed him a ticket and gave him his contact.

The train ride to the PlayPen took five days, but Darius was excited, and the time flew by as he practiced what sword skills he could on the train.

Mr. Cortes had sprung for a single room, which felt spacious when compared to what he was used to at the estate.

When he arrived at the train station, he felt giddy as he saw a dark skinned woman standing there holding a sign with his name on it.

As he came up to her he smiled.

“Welcome kid. My name is Amanda and I’m the Tier 15 of the PlayPen on Lilly. We are waiting for two more people, but then we are straight to the island.”

Darius knew a Tier 15 would be who came to get him since he was arriving off cycle of the normal awakenings, but knowing that and actually meeting an immortal still struck him to his very core. An immortal who knew his name.

This woman could be a million years old for all he knew. What secrets did she know, what power lay behind her ageless gaze? Could she destroy the street? The city? The planet?

He wanted to reach her level, and she must have been able to read that in his eyes because she laughed. “Work hard enough and you can reach Tier 15 as well, Darius. It's not impossible. First, you need to not die. Really, I’m not that impressive. I only made it to Tier 9 on The Path before I stepped off. If you want to really be impressed, look to Light and Shadow. Or better yet, Quill and Torch. Tier 25 in two hundred years. Now that is impressive. Rumor has it, they’ll be proper Ascenders in a few months.”

Darius nodded eagerly. He’d seen their movies, read their novels, gotten their posters. He had a “My Heart Burns for Torch” t-shirt in his bag. They were his heroes, and he’d be like them, he would be them.

He wondered if they’d followed the legends of potion-less Tier 5. Surely geniuses like them, from hundreds of years ago, they’d know all of those pieces of ancient forgotten knowledge? He wondered what powerful and forgotten skills they’d claimed at Tier 5 on the Path. Maybe it was that big rain of fire? The heaven-piercing spear? The wings of fire?

He’d show them all.

The next week seemed to fly by as he learned all about the PlayPen and got accustomed to its facilities.

With his years of training, he was quickly cleared to enter the rifts, but he didn’t forget everyone's warnings. He spent a full two days practicing with the training dummies before entering a rift.

He took a few small cuts and walked out with a black eye, but he felt good. Fifteen mana stones was almost double the average seven, which seemed like a fantastic way to start his career. And his parents were proud of him when he shared the news.

Then, things went sideways.

Quill, Torch, and Scoop were finishing The Path of Ascension.

The news spread like wildfire, and everyone buzzed with anticipation as they waited for the date to be confirmed for nine months later.

When it was confirmed, everyone went a little mad and Darius wasn’t immune.

The attitude was infectious. He wanted to complete The Path. If they could do it, so could he.

He was nearing the peak of Tier 1 when the ceremony happened.

The entire PlayPen closed down and mountains of fancy foods were brought in from the mainland, bringing the atmosphere to a near fever pitch. Darius’ Talent had him running hot the entire time, but there were enough parties for him to burn off his excess energy without too much issue.

He was in the dining hall with everyone else when the face reveal happened.

“Matthew Moore and Aster Alexander from Lilly.”

It took a moment for the news to sink in, but Darius found himself screaming with everyone else.

Matthew Moore had walked through these very halls.

His blood was pumping as that thought coursed through his mind.

All his dreams, all his hopes. They were possible. Matthew himself had done it, delving the same rifts and fighting at the same training halls, and now Darius would be the next. Why couldn’t he?

There didn’t seem like a reason why he couldn't.

If he worked hard enough the sky was the limit.

After all, Matthew had done the impossible.

Why not Darius?


Cynthia Sinclair spun in her chair as she let the screen that took up most of her far wall drone on.

She had tried muting the feed, but that had paradoxically turned her apartment into a cacophony of sounds, which only served to drive her already strained nerves up the wall.

She was a fox damn it, not a cat. She wasn’t supposed to go up walls.

Pulling a brush out of her storage ring, she ran it through her long white hair and then through her long tail.

Trying to distract herself, she remembered back to the last time she had been waiting for Jared to call her.

Cynthia was just settling in for a nice brush down when her AI beeped at her.

Jared was requesting a voice chat.


“Hey darling, how are you?” His voice was far too cheery for the subject they were supposed to be discussing, and she had to resist snapping at him.

Sadly, he was the best agent in the entire dukedom, and didn’t have to cater to her.

“Jared, did I get the part?” She couldn't contain herself and blurted the question out.

“Sorry kiddo, but no. They went with Martha. Still, we expected th—”

“What?!” Cynthia almost flew out of her chair as she heard the news. “She’s a fire fox! How can they go with her?”

She could hear Jared’s shrug even through the voice channel. “She's hot right now. After she played Demetha in Flex’s Grand Adventures, people are clamoring for her. But that's fine w—”

“No it's not Jared. I haven’t been in a movie for the last three years. I needed this part.”

“Yes, we could have used this part, but it's fine. Not ideal, but we can manage. I have something else we can—”

She could feel Jared putting up his hands as he tried to calm her, but she barreled over him. “No Jared. Call the casting director up and get them to change their minds. I already played the part in the first movie, how can they recast me? It was dragon shit that I needed to audition in the first place, but I put up with it! And now they’re giving my spot to my biggest rival!? This is not ok!”

She flicked her eyes to her screen and Jared appeared on it, pushing the show she had been watching to the corner.

His deep purple skin was immaculate and matched perfectly with his orange suit, but his expression was too calm for them losing this contract.

“Cynthia, deep breath.”


Cynthia, deep breath.” There was a level of command in his voice he rarely used, and it made her stop.

For all that she complained, her career wouldn’t be even a tenth as successful as she was today without him.

Taking a deep breath and letting him see it, Cynthia cocked her head and waited, ears twitching cutely. “Okay. I’m calm.”

That was a lie. She wasn’t calm, but she was in control.

Jared smiled and nodded. He had taught her that little trick for when she was in a stressful situation..

“Good. Now listen to me. I told you the studio was trying to do a four seasons thing for Blare. You are already an ice fox, and they were talking about having the second movie be about the character transitioning into earth or wind. With how hot Martha is right now, it’s not unexpected that they decided to shift the narrative a little and move the character into fire.”

Cynthia bit her tongue and nodded. She had known that, but she had at least expected to get a contract to send Blare off to another actor. The fact the character went to Martha of all people just rubbed her fur the wrong way.

Trying to remain positive, she asked, “You said that you had something else for me?”

Jared smiled wide at that. “Yes, and I think this will blow up into Empire wide stardom if we play it right.”

Hearing that, Cynthia bit her lip. A lot of agents made promises like that all the time, but Jared wasn’t the type. If he was claiming the part might send her into stardom, she trusted him.

“What is it?”

Jared took a deep breath, which set her hair standing on its ends. “You’ve heard of King Leon and Queen Mara’s youngest daughter, Elizabeth?”

Cynthia quickly did a search to refresh her memory and nodded. It had been a good century since she’d been in the gossip rags, but they looked familiar. “Yeah I’ve heard of her, what about it?”

Jared smiled. “Toucan Productions got the rights to a feature length movie about her and her husband’s time on The Path, and they want to focus on the vassal war between the Kingdom of Seven Suns and Alliance of Allied Queens. There was a Pather war there, where the two of them were standouts. Or rather, three. The son-in-law has an arctic fox bond.”

Cynthia fell back into her chair and groaned. She hated acting in her fox form. She was damn good at it, but that was a quick way to get typecast into irrelevance.

Still, she didn’t dismiss the offer out of hand. Toucan productions was one of the largest movie making studios in the Empire, and even a bit part in one of their movies would be a massive step up in her career.

“Jared, I hate this. I—”

Jared held up his hands in a placating gesture. “I know kiddo, but hear me out. To start, Aster got ahold of a Fruit of Perfection before the war you’d be playing in. She’s not just a normal sub-ten bond, she was nearly to full sapience in real life, so don’t worry about that. Besides, I got them to sweeten the pot. If you take the deal, they will cast you in any future roles they get starring Aster Alexander. There is already talk about a comedy-drama-mystery show about her time in the Bond Academy. Toucan Productions might be known mostly as an action movie studio, but all of their titles do well. Cynthia, hear me out. Exclusive acting chops for the bond to a son-in-law of royals. This is huge.”

Cynthia was about to agree, but her bull shit sensor started going off. “Toucan Productions? Why aren’t they using Patricia Alco? She’s a fox as well and she’s a mega star, way bigger than me. Why not cast her? Even if not her, how did the role trickle down to me?”

Jared grinned like a shark who smelled blood. “Ahh, and that's the beauty of it. Little Aster has made it abundantly clear that she’d be incredibly displeased if a non-ice fox was ever cast to portray her in a movie. No one is going to cross her wishes and risk the ire of a fucking Tier 48 to put a earth fox in her place, so here we are. You are only really big in Harper’s kingdom, but I know Demmie, who works with the head casting director at Toucan, and I put your performance in ‘A Winter Dream’ forward. They said you are perfect for what they want in the role, and already set up the contract so you can start working on your base make-up right away.”

Cynthia started to pace as she mulled the offer over. A Winter Dream had her acting like a half-sapient fox as a supporting role, and while she had been awarded several accolades for her part in the movie, she always felt like the movie had type cast her for the next few decades. She had to really work to break free of that net and wasn’t sure she had it in her to do it again.

Going through some news reports, she tried to get a feeling for this Aster Alexander by resonating what she saw with her Makeup Box Anchor to get a feeling for the other fox.

At least the girl had good taste and had kept white hair, fox ears, and a floofy tail in her human form. From the headlines of the reports, the girl was a little more playful than Cynthia usually went for, but she could work with that. Even her Intent agreed with the idea. She could slip into this role if she allowed herself to.

Or she could, if there were promises of larger roles. “What are the actual odds of the project with Aster as the lead?”

Jaren waved his hands. “Basically guaranteed. They have been wanting to do something a little more teen based for a while, and bonds are trending. The War of the Seven Suns, name pending, movie is designed to drum up some of the more bloodthirsty audiences and get them used to the faces. Best of all, I’ve heard they want to tie Matthew and Elizabeth into the Quill and Torch movie as side characters, which means even more work for you. They were at the same Pather Tournament or something. It doesn't really matter. People love royals, I know this, you know this, the studio knows this. They intend to play this out for all it’s worth, and do a series of works with the characters. Come on Cynthia this is big.”

Cynthia really wanted to reject out of her principle of not doing more work in her fox form, but she knew she couldn’t really afford to let this opportunity pass. Even if it was just this single movie, she couldn’t pass up working with Toucan Productions. Their movies were distributed Empire wide, and even a mediocre movie of theirs grossed dozens of times more than her best selling movies ever had.

“Send me the contract.”

Her AI bleeped and she quickly scanned the contract. It was standard enough and had all the bits Jared had said it did. If she took the role, Toucan Productions would be forced to cast her in the next three projects that starred Aster. There were even caveats about the required significance of the parts.

Like Jared said, there was even mention of the teen series of Aster at the Bond Academy, which was what Cynthia was really interested in. She’d be the lead star, and those kinds of shows always did well. Being able to say someone related to a royal was the main character meant there was little chance the show didn’t at least break even.

It would lock her into playing one character for a while, but that might be a good thing. Toucan Productions was huge, after all. She could use this to launch her career another step higher.

Still pursuing the information about Aster, Cynthia watched an interview where Aster went from making fun of her bond to giving a serious diatribe about the state of the Empire. It was an intelligent answer that didn’t just pander the Loyalist talking points, but also brought light to some real struggles that people faced. She could have been coached through such an answer, but it felt a little too off the cuff, the words a little too casual and indirect to be a prepared response.

If that was Aster Alexander, Cynthia could work with this.

“I accept.” Putting action to words, she accepted the contract and it beeped as it was accepted and verified.

Jared smiled. “Wonderful. I’m telling you kiddo, this one is going to pay off for you.”

Throwing herself into her couch, she waved him off. “Whatever you say. Sure doesn’t feel like it.”

Jared laughed before telling her when she needed to start going to the Beast Kingdom’s capital, where Toucan Productions had their main studios. Cynthia ordered her favorite street food since it seemed like she wouldn’t be here soon in consolation.

Two years later, she was sitting in a much larger apartment on the Capital and awaiting yet another call from Jared.

The movie had sold amazingly. ‘When Sun’s and Daughter’s Bleed’ had been both a critical and commercial success, propelling Cynthia’s name into most households' mouths for the last few months. In fact, it had been so good that Aster Alexander herself had even commented on the movie, saying Cynthia should play any movies that had Aster in them so long as she wanted, due to how well she had played the part.

An incredibly sweet comment that Jared had used to push for the greenlight of the show about Aster's time in the Bond Academy. If everything went well, the response would be coming today. Probably tomorrow, with the Ascension. With so many micro portals being opened, Empire wide communications were cheap right now, Cynthia hoped Jared might be able to get word back to her today.

She’d turned down a couple of offers to go to Ascension parties, wanting to make sure she was free all day. Instead, she just watched it at home. People understood and that was a good thing as her heart wasn’t fully into it. She was just too distracted, brushing her hair again and again as she lost herself in thought.

Her own show with her as the lead. She couldn’t imagine the fame that would bring her.

Cynthia’s eyes were drawn to the screen and she wondered why — how — there was a commercial for the movie playing during Torch and Quill’s Ascension. How much was their advertising… budget… wait, no. That was still the Ascension.

But that was Aster.

Cynthia blinked a few times as she tried to process what she was seeing. She knew those ears, she knew that tail, she knew that small smirk.

Aster was… an Ascender?

That didn’t make any sense, but there she stood beside her bond and his wife.

Aster was an Ascender?

The same Aster who she had been publicly praised by two days ago?

The same Aster who said she wanted Cynthia to play all of her roles, Aster?

Cynthia’s mind spun, and she was forced to steady herself with her Makeup Box so she didn’t pass out.

Blinking, she watched the trio of people she knew all too well walk down the throne room. After all, she had been pretending to be them for the better part of a year.

It really was that Aster.

Jareds contact lit up on her AI, but Cynthia didn’t bother to answer it immediately as she would have a few minutes ago.

Cynthia realized she didn’t need to answer to know what he had to say about the show.

She already knew.


Bob Bryan

She went to Jared's


Lol Cynthia got one of the luckiest breaks imaginable


God I hope Darius doesn't try and pull a Matt. D : Cynthia was adorable, nicely done.

Lucas Johns

Love these echo chapters!!


Thanks for the chapter. Couple of rqandoms, but interesting perspectives. Neat to see how the lives of random people get touched by the MCs who have barely or never interacted with them.

Michael Younger

Darius was the name of the kid Matt joined the Playpen at the same time as. Its a little sad to hear he never really excelled but nice to see his family still kicking around on Lily.


This is sweet.

Anton Selling

The actress part was just so good : )


I really liked the Cynthia portion


I really dig these Echos stories. People reacting to the MC's and their accomplishments.


Really thought the Darius bit was going to end with him getting cocky and being killed.


Haha this is so good! Love the perspective


2 weeks time echo: darius’s funeral was a small affair…. 😭😭😭😭

Miguel Canarte

i need more, but take your time


Would have been nice if this Darius knew his ancestor knew Matt personally! Also Cynthia....right place. Right time.


Loved this one. Loved seeing the legacy of the person inducted to the playpen the same day as Matt. And Cynthia is just fantastic. Im happy to hear they did a movie based on the vassal war staring Matt Liz and Aster. Cynthia will definitely be type cast for a long time but being type cast to play an ascender would be an incredible career boost especially when said ascender compliments her on her acting.


Goddamn. I had zero memory of that. Still, while he never excelled, at least it seems he managed to set up his descendants well off enough. Darius II's excitement is rather infectious here, yet also rather morbid given the previous perspective of the tier 20 overseeing the playpen.


It's good to get the mortal view of all of this. Lost ancient knowledge from 200 years ago, legends of reaching Tier 5 without a potion... it really helps put the story in perspective.


His talent might actual make him safer than if he didn't know about Matt and Aster; his heart rate is going to be dangerously high if he is fighting for his life and still riding off the excitement of this experience. P.S I wonder how high his heart rate can go before his increasing physical cultivation can't keep up with the issues brought about by a high heart rate.


Both of the these were hilarious.

Abriel Blauer

If I remember correctly, knowledge about concept is restricted for those below Tier 5. On a planet like Lily (Tier 4) it is safe to assume that pretty much no one knows about it. Matt only learned about it because of Liz.

John Balman

Loving how these chapters flush out the world, hoping Darius doesn't bite off more then he can handle, Actress pov was very interesting could tell that the production company had someone in the know preparing for the reveal LoL


Cynthia seems to be watching the ascension during the first call and again two years later.

William Johnson

Have a good psuedo break, and this was a delight. Especially the Cynthia bit, and I thought other Liz and Matt hit the jackpot.


I'm still not sure about what the rules on sponsors are. detrimental talents that get flagged by the planet Ai get a sponsor to check them out, but that sponsor has to have reached T5 on the Path AND be T15+ at the moment. I kinda just assumed that meant all sponsors are T15+


Yeah, it's restricted, because if it's common knowledge a lot of people with big egos waste a bunch of time trying and then die young. Forming a concept early is rare and the benefits of waiting usually don't outweigh the risks


I recently reread the story, so I remembered his name. He was only mentioned for a little while cause he was picked up by Griff from the trainstation at the same time as Matt. He is not mentioned afterwards. They weren't friends or anything.

Jeppe Fiig

Really liked the Cynthia Echo, was a nice touch 😁


I laughed when I was reading about Cynthia. Talk about having your fortune made.


Didn't the potion only cost 25 T4 mana stones? Expensive for a T4 sure, but not ruinously so, especially if said T4 is able to delve T4 rifts (though that was the price Matt looked up in the capital, may he more expensive on other worlds?)

William Johnson

I believe the detrimental talents flag specifically needs the sponsor to be tier 15, my understanding is that anyone who reached tier 5 on the path can sponsor a new pather regardless of their current tier.

Stephen Weinberg

Poor Cynthia... they might end up cancelling her show to make an Ascender movie where she is just one of the main character instead of the lead. Hopefully she can schedule filming for both.


The ascension was a multi year event of people coming. It was on the news for years about it.


The Darius part was interesting and the "ancient and forgotten knowledge" part cracked me up a little. :) The question that I now have is when the cuttoff time for rewards of the sponsors is. And how many people you can sponsor. Is it only 1 person you sponsor on the path at once? Or only one sponsoring every so long timespan? From the Unbrocked it seems that you can sponsor a group. You can't sponsor someone if you left before Tier 5. I think that was mentioned in the message Matt's sponsors send him after he reached Tier 5. The Actress was fun. A little bit more the Diva than she might need to with her Agent though at least it didn't seem like she was completely unreasonable. I am kind of wondering what Tier she is at. She has an Intent so at least Tier 20, most likely more. So the question comes why she would almost faint. Doesn't she have the control of her body to prevent that? And I am also wondering what is in the movies, d*mnit. In the movie ‘When Sun’s and Daughter’s Bleed’ did they insert references to Quill and Torch that are wrong in retrospect? And given that there will be a series about Aster in the Bond Academy what is going to be in there. Bitter Rivalery with the Peacock from the Pather War? Are they getting that Actor as a Guest star? Also how will they mangle the truth? Are the Ice Cream shops that Aster set up going to be Series Aster taking them over because they were bad and running out of Business? Is there going to be a recuring occurence of Aster sneaking out during the night to Delve Rifts since she is secretly still on the Path? And the Rift challenge. If it is in there I doubt it will be 'Aster notes the Rift challenge when she enters, kicks everyone else out and has fun clearing it' I imagine more like: 'Due to the Rift challenge the only option to leave the Rift is to clear it. Aster desperately tries to coordinate a mostly incompetent delving team that is in over their heads but doesn't notice. And she also has to hold back enough that people don't notice that she is so powerful. Complete with Scene of the Delving team desperately fighting and beating a monster while Aster takes the remaining dozen of the same type while making sure they don't notice.' I am always wondering about these movies. Even an Outline would be interesting. EDIT: I don't think they are going to do a Movie of the Minkalea run. Wouldbe interesting though.


Seems like a prime talent for exploitation. He’d almost certainly do better off the path than on it. Get that boy an artificial heart that beats 10x as fast just to produce circulation equal to a normal resting heart and bam, you’ve got a powerhouse.


As an idea for Cynthia's show while the whole thing feels ready to go compared to other programs. The problem for a broadcasting / entertainment company is that audiences are going to want the 3 ascenders together on screen. Using the basic formula that the written story already has with an episode of the academy bonds and mystery. Then flipping to the other pair on missions in space. With the transition between episodes being the video logs sent between them. Would probably work out for a show. A bit of something for everyone there. It's not the full leading role the actor wants but it's the next best thing.


So Darius' talent seems like it has the potential to be very strange post T15, since his body is under his complete control. Modify his body to have three hearts beating 5000 BPM, win button.


Yeah, I reread that a few times, seems like she was watching the ascension, then she was remembering the last time she was waiting for her manager to call her (that's the part where she agreed to play aster) and then it jumps back to the present. It's not really all that clear, it could probably be written a bit better so it's easier to understand


The sponsor might also be keeping their actual tier hidden, since pretending to be weaker than you actually are seems to be an unofficial tradition when you are sponsoring someone for the path.


Given that ascenders are super celebrities, they'll do the series and then roll right into a movie. She'll be buried in work for the next 1,000 years.


Aster made sure that she was gonna be played by somebody competent and people wouldn't replace her with some actress Aster doesn't like who just happens to have more star power or sth in the next shitton of movies that are gonna be made now that she's an Ascender. Smart of her.


I think we got a preview of how a Minkalla movie looks when there was a mention of Duke Waters developing powers from delving an ancient ruin for one of his movies.


He'll have is Tier 3 talent and Concept at that point, who knows how that will modify his base talent.

Stephen Weinberg

So, I think calling 200 years old a "lost, forgotten technique" is a bit extreme and doesn't fit with the setting. Even mortals understand 200 years isn't long enough to lose such knowledge. Unlike in the real world, they have had advanced technology (including the internet) for thousands of years. Even ignoring that, it is not unreasonable someone can run into someone that old. Maybe it is only your friendly guild recruiter, or "Mr Cortes". But you will meet someone that old in your life if you halfway try. For something to be ancient lost knowledge you need at least one of the following (preferably more than one): 1. A lost language, doesn't exist in the last 40,000 years at least. 2. Destruction or hiding of information. This seems to exist in the Empire. 3. Not having people alive you can just ask... 4. Knowledge that has lost all relevance, at least for a long enough period of time. This is not the case for making your own concept since it is still better to do so. I could see him calling it a technique the evil high tiers hide from mortals, but not a lost technique. Anything known 200 years ago in a stable society would still be known today.

Stephen Weinberg

Err, to be clear, the boy wouldn't know anything I just said. However, the culture would know. The movies and media he consumed would talk of ancient forgotten knowledge from before the Empire's creation. Or it would be secret knowledge learned and then suppressed by a corrupt noble. The very concept of 200 year old knowledge being "forgotten" would not even occur to a citizen of the Empire.


That was probably the price for those on the path, which is heavily subsidised. If he dropped off at tier 4, he may have missed out on one.

Stephen Weinberg

At tier 15, boom, you control your hear beat. Can you imagine how powerful he will be at tier 40 with how fast he can run his heart? Maybe he can run two hearts for double the heart rate.


I remembered the price slightly wrong. Chapter 257 "While he couldn’t buy a potion for the price that a Tier 4 would have to pay, he was able to look it up. As a Tier 18, he could buy one for just a couple Tier 18 mana stones, which seemed incredibly low. He checked the price that a Tier 4 would have to pay, and saw that it was only a few dozen Tier 4 mana stones. While he hadn’t needed one, he did remember the Unbroken complaining just how pricey they’d been for them, and they’d been professional delvers on the Path. They could absolutely afford a handful of same-Tier mana stones without trouble, particularly since Path discounts would have made them even cheaper."

The Grey Mage

I like Darius’ Talent, so I hope to see him again. Also, in Cynthia’s part she was watching the Ascension, and then two years later, she’s watching the Ascension.


Noticed a typo "Still prussing the information about Aster," should be "Still pursuing the information about Aster,"


prussing? I think should be perusing.


You make solid points, that doesn’t square up.

Jonathan Campbell

Yup, no way in hell Aster would ever let some fire fox act as her!


In an earlier chapter it was mentioned that there was a movie about the Minkalla run as it guest stared Queen and her secret wolf bond

Daniel B

Lost knowledge happens. Perspective was developed in around 1415 about 600 years ago. I tried to teach myself how to draw in perspective, by reading books. How hard could it be? Its been around for 600 years. Books wouldn't lie to me would they? Don't you have to do research to make sure the stuff you write in books is true, before you publish? No. No you do not.


I think any movie about Minkalla would either call it an ancient ruin/rift or be limited to audiences over T11

Stephen Weinberg

Hmm, "a few dozen Tier 4 mana stones". Let's call that 36 even. If each delve averages 7 mana stones, that is 5 delves. If your delving team is 6 people, that is 30 delves. If you delve once per week, that 30 weeks or 7.5 months. You would also need to live at that time, but if you managed to live like a tier 2 or even a tier 3, living expenses would be inconsequential (less than 10% of earnings). The real question to ask is what is the "profit" per delve. We just talked about revenue. We now need to look at costs: 1. rift entrance fees. 2. healing 3. items/weapons consumed 4. taxes (hopefully the taxes accept 1-3 as valid business deductions) Do we have enough information to approximate any of these things? If we assume a 50% cost of revenue (which may be optimistic!), we are talking 16 months of extreme effort for a party of 6 that is financially responsible. Frankly financial irresponsibility likely makes this effectively impossible. If you are in a guild, the guild will likely loan you the money or put you on a forced savings plan. Paying it back is super easy as a tier 5 can collect at least 10x value per delve. If you are not in a guild, someone would lend you the money. If you promised to pay back with a 5x interest rate, you would still pay it back in half the time of saving... assuming you survive tier 5 rifts. Tier 5 rifts introduce enemies with concepts which may be too difficult. Hopefully, more than 1 in 5 people pay back their debt keeping the money lenders in business. Here is where things get interesting. Lilly is a tier 4 planet. That means it is way harder to pay off a loan. The tier 4 rifts would give less reward (since you are a tier 5) and there are no tier 5 rifts for a better reward. This means going off planet is the only way to find people willing to loan you money. Lilly being a tier 4 planet makes it really hard to get to tier 5 without leaving while for literally any other tier, you can get to planet tier + 1 before needing to leave.


Yeah. People absolutely could do it, but they need to want it, to either leave or save up more. With it being a T4 planet, that means T4 rifts are still somewhat limited and thus probably expensive. But yeah, you could get a loan or leave for a couple years and then return. People like to complain about how expensive it is, but there's always options. It's perfectly fine if you just work hard for a bit. But a lot of people don't feel the need. T4s already live quite a bit longer than earth humans. You can go have a family, live a simple life. Even on earth not all old people wish to live forever. Living forever or even multiple hundred years takes a certain mindset. A lot of people are content with simple.

Stephen Weinberg

Lost knowledge happens, absolutely. I expect that most knowledge lost, as it is in our world today, would be lost due to points 2 and 4. But... the idea that knowledge of building your own concept could ever be lost to anything other than point 2 is insane. In fact, it would be more believable if instead of it being a myth/legend it was something that people knew was technically possible but no one knew how to do it because the information was suppressed on the empirenet. Not to mention that everyone would "know" the odds were nearly impossible even if you did know how so most people wouldn't be curious.


I would love more from the last one it was fun. :)

Jeff Wells

Are you kidding? She'll be making movies for the rest of her life off of this. And I don't know what books you've been reading, but Aster isn't a side character. She's one of the three. Cynthia will never play anything less than a co-lead character for the rest of her potentially infinite life.

Jeff Wells

It's going to be way more expensive on a backwater like Lilly (potentially several orders of magnitude, or even simply unavailable) than it would be on the Capital. Also I'm pretty sure Matt was talking about Pather prices, which are regulated by the Empire. Remember one of the benefits of being on the Path that makes losing external support workable is the significantly lower prices for goods and services, in addition to priority rift access.

Stephen Weinberg

I wasn't bashing Aster. But "Scoop" doesn't have the fan bases of Quill and Torch. She also is just one of the 3, not "the MC". Going from the lead to being a very important character is somewhat of a downgrade. Also, yes, this was someone tongue-in-cheek. She is going to have a great career just from this.


Darius was… hang on. I totally missed that one. 🤣 Also, yeah, getting type cast into one of the most desirable roles out there is just about the only way typecasting could be good.


Oh gods that Cynthia PoV was cute. Is it weird that I kinda want to see more of her? I just re-read the chapter and is it just me, or did it seem like Jared knew about Aster being an Ascender?


He was talking normal people prices "particularly since Path discounts would have made them even cheaper." You're right, there is a good chance that the potions are more expensive on Lilly (or maybe they're not, the empire regulates normal people's prices for stuff too, so that higher tiers can't fuck up the ecomony with their greater wealth, Pathers just get discounts on top. It is perfectly possible that sth like the potions has a fixed maximum price empire wide


Not to mention information suppression is the canonical reason it is less common, as the empire would rather people get closer to tier 15 before possibly wasting large portions of time.


I'm not sure I'm holding out much hope for a nearly T2 on the path making it to T15 after everything goes sideways


I don’t expect him to stay on the path, but Matt’s success will mean a lot of opportunities for those on Lilly to eventually reach T15.

Dion Crump

I think Darius is going to be a tragic statistic. A youth with so much potential but pushed to hard, took the step he should have, took one to many risks because Matt was from Lilly


It is interesting. As a t15 he won’t really need a normally functioning heart and he can have it beat so fast it freaking blurs. His limit is how fast he can make it beat, and at t15 the cap is off


She's just watching the feed at the start waiting for the call from her agent, there's no mention of it being the ascension.

Andrew K

I think a future full side-story focused on Cynthia working on a movie about MLA/QTS would be an excellent way to write in a bunch of hilariously overdramatized/wrong movie scenes in a context-appropriate manner while retaining solid ability to weave in other content to keep the overall result from getting too absurd.

Douglas Sokolowski

Matt didn’t even know about concepts until he saw the advertisements for bottled concepts on another planet and his orphanage was basically a primary school devoted to delving so I don’t think it’s really a stretch for the knowledge to be thought of as rare or lost.

Lorevi Q

Not to be morbid but I'm half expecting his story to tie into the T15 play pen managers and have him die in a rift from overenthusiasm


Definitely enjoyed the cynthia pov, probably more than any of the other echoes so far


@C.Mantis with this reveal of a movie of MLA and the Pather war I keep thinking back to the chapter when MLA picked up their friends on the way to the ascension ceremony. As the Pather movie would have come out fairly recently and MLA teasing their friends and dropping hints you could add in a bit where one of the friends tease them about the movie only to have MLA respond something about being in negotiations to have more made and they will be even more famous over it.


Ooooh. "According to movies, the only way out of a challenge rift is to clear it. I have no choice. Quill would have done it, I can, too." So many people are going to die.


Wait is Darius great great grandfather the other kid Matt arrived at the playpen with?


Cynthia's echo has been my favourite so far 🤣


Loved it. The cynthia part was do much fun to read, even though I knew what was coming at the end.

Matt H

If anything I can see Aster figuring out some way to have a movie made about Cameron and then having her cast with an ice otter.

Jonathan Campbell

Also any chance that the Matt and Liz couple who won the bet on their identities might meet them at some point in the future?

Jonathan Campbell

Would it be pursuing or perusing? I don't remember the exact sentence and context off hand.


I think either could technically work but you are right I do feel that perusing would make better sense from the context

Christopher Hempel

Should actually be ‘parsing’, I believe. Parsing is analyzing something into smaller, more understandable parts.

Mike Pagnelli

I'm loving these Echo chapters. I'm curious if we'll be seeing anything from/about Camilla? I've always kinda expected her to pop back up at some point in some capacity...

Story Seeker

For a second I thought Cynthia was the same as the Ice Bond Aster left in charge of her Ice Club at the Acadamy since they have the same name.


She can't destroy the planet. The Baroness or the play pen director would stop her. Otherwise.... Without anybody to stop her? It may take some time to destroy the whole planet but it should be possible. It's only T4/5

Donan The Barbarian

I mean a tier 15 can probably destroy even a tier 10 planet if they work on it long enough, after tier 11 the rifts natural recharge rate might cause rift breaks to release matter, essence, and creatures emitting mana faster than a tier 15 could kill everything on the planet and lift matter out of the gravity well. That said I think a tier 15 would still need years (might only be 2 but still years plural) to destroy even a tier 0 planet that hasn't been exposed to essence.


Where did you reread the first book? I recently did a reread but the chapters on Patreon don't go back all the way to the beginning