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Chapter 178

The four of them trekked through the desert for half a mile before they were forced to stop.

Eternal Darkness, as a floor theme, had many dangers to be aware of due to the lack of senses. Before entering a typically hot and dry place, they had Aster create a fist-sized orb of ice and float it next to them as a rudimentary temperature gauge, which was the only reason they realized that the environment was becoming dangerous.

Her ice ball melted in less than ten minutes.

Aster, as a Tier 11 former ice fox, had a Concept revolving around making her ice colder, and thus less susceptible to melting. She also had decades of practice in refining and strengthening said ice.

Still, it melted so quickly that they were forced to stop and dig themselves a hole in the side of a sand dune.

[Earth Manipulation] worked on sand, but was inefficient and barely effective. Fortunately for the group, Matt had gotten [Sand Manipulation] alongside the other Tier 14 manipulation skills. He didn’t have that much practice shaping the level 2 mana type, so he defaulted to using [Earth Manipulation].

That in itself was a sign of the heat exhaustion that they were already suffering from. He only fell back on his Tier 8 manipulation skills when he was mentally drained.

Thankfully the sand wasn’t impervious to manipulation like most of the other ground surfaces that they had encountered, and he was able to shape a little cave for them by compressing the sand into pseudo-sandstone.

There they all drank a lot of water before they started testing just how hot this ruin was.

Matt and Liz had gotten an orb that produced a bit of shade and lowered ambient temperature when they were Tier 5, and had little use for it most days. It actually took him a few minutes to find it in one of their old spatial backpacks.

The orb didn’t do a thing to block the heat in their round of testing outside their little cave. Aster's ice melted just as fast as it had during their walk.

It was a Tier 5 item, but Matt still had hoped that it would work, as it would have saved them a large amount of time, but the item was useless. Even maxing out its mana capacity rate of 10 MPS did nothing to blunt the oppressive heat.

Ultimately, Matt ended up needing to pull out their house, after building a… good enough foundation for it to rest on. Once inside, he poured mana into the cottage’s mana storage, as it burned through an impressive amount while running the AC.

While everyone hydrated and rested, Matt started to sketch out a small portable formation on his workbench. He spent enough time at it that he had a mana node at his feet, so even as he worked he could keep their defenses against the heat running at full capacity. Not that it was likely to run out, but it wasn’t like he was using his mana for anything else.

It was a simple and dirty formation, as with his AI being limited by Minkalla, he was forced to make the array of enchantments by hand. A formation was simply that; a number of enchantments linked together like his talismans arrays, but not meant to be one-use items. Instead, they were usually carved into stone, metal, wood, or anything else more durable than parchment.

By the base material’s nature, they were more durable and longer lasting, but that came with its own limitations. Part of a talisman's incredible power came from the fact that they weren't expected to be multi-use items, and could therefore disregard longevity for immediate power. When making something more permanent, Matt needed to limit the enchantment's power to a degree that the material could handle.

That was no issue for him, though, except for the methodology. The actual enchanting was identical, and Matt had no problem making a talisman. After all, all enchanting used the same runes, so it wasn't that hard for him to cobble something together as he had with the Mana Leeches in the marsh.

It took a few iterations and five hours, but Matt was able to make a formation that kept Aster's ice sphere unmelted in the open air outside for nearly an hour. If they weren't in Minkalla and on a one-month timeline for exiting the floor, he would have made something more elegant than a few shadow runes and water creation runes stacked and linked inside a small air shield rune. It worked, but he wouldn’t be winning any prizes for ingenuity or efficiency.

Still, the formation would get the job done, and that was all that mattered.

After that, he just had to miniaturize it onto something they could wear.

If he had his proper vision, he would have come with something slimmer, like a thin steel band with proper sizing along with a hinge, so they could all wear them on their wrists. But with only his spiritual sense at his disposal, Matt went old school.

Instead of etching the runes into the spirit of the item to firmly anchor the runes into the metal, he opted to physically carve the runes into the face of a small disk of metal that he had forged with his skills from some Tier 14 iron.

He ruined more than a few of the disks while working blind, but they were well stocked, and he compensated by using his metal channel skills along with his proprioception skill to carve something good enough to work.

After making two for each of them and ensuring that they worked, Matt strung the disks and created small necklaces with a holder for the formation disks.

With that problem taken care of, they were able to continue their trek into the desert with less worry. They needed to pay the 10 mana a minute cost, but it was an easy ask with Matt there to use his Concept for a few seconds every once in a while to top them up.

Not wanting to spend more time than they had to in the desert, they all withdrew their flying devices and flew close to the ground, moving much faster than walking on the soft sand would allow.

A few dozen miles into the desert, they encountered their first enemy.

A flock of griffins descended and tore at them with talons and wings that generated blades of wind in front and alongside them in a sweeping arc. The attacks shined brightly in Matt’s spiritual perception from the sheer amount of power that the [Wind Blade]s had.

The attack was so sudden and well timed that they only sensed it once the griffins were less than five hundred feet away from them.

For Tier 14s, that was a distance they could cover in less than a blink.

Still, the four of them were fast and well-trained by their respective coaches.

Matt flew forward and cast [Bulwark], ramping up the mana he sent to [Cracked Phantom Armor] as he swung his blade with a [Mana Charge] building up inside it.

Unfortunately, he was too slow, and the lead griffin dodged his attack while using its [Wind Blade] to cut through his half formed [Cracked Phantom Armor].

Blood flew as he was cut in his side, but it never reached the ground. Liz grabbed it immediately and merged it with the blood from her glove that flowed out in a wave.

Susanne, who had been the furthest from the attack, slashed out with her sword and lopped off one of the griffin's rear legs, but it was fast enough that she was unable to follow up with a lethal blow.

Matt was forced to focus on the other half dozen griffins that were right on the heels of the first, but with just the extra second, he was able to fully form [Bulwark] and charge it with mana. He was able to block the next series of [Wind Blade]s with the skill,  and none of the griffins were willing to ram the shield of mana.

As they were flying away, Aster launched a [Ice Lance], and the arm-length frozen pillar  caught one of the trailing griffins right in the chest, sending it tumbling over a sand dune.

That didn’t deter the rest of the griffins at all; like all monsters, rage was a part of their natural makeup. The remaining five griffins disappeared out of his spiritual range, and the four delvers spread out and waited for them to appear once again.

It took an agonizing few minutes for the griffins to circle around, but they eventually came in at an angle to hit both Susanne and Aster. Not willing to let the monsters do as they pleased, they shifted so Matt could take the front, with the others covering his side and rear.

When the lead griffin tried to break through [Bulwark], it seemed surprised that it was unable to break through his shield. The moment of hesitation caused by the interruption of its attack left the monster completely open to a thousand-mana-strong [Mana Charge] from an angle it hadn’t been expecting.

Matt had already teleported back to safety by the time its head vanished under the blast of mana as if it never existed, and the rush of Genesis Energy confirmed its demise.

The rest of the flock stood in their charge and ran into the other three, who unleashed their own attacks just as the griffins shot off more [Wind Blade]s at the wall of mana that was [Bulwark].

There was no third pass, and the four of them paused to collect any loot from the bodies, which came out to two Tier 8 skills, [Fireball] and [Earth Wall]. The latter was actually fairly valuable due to its rarity.

They suspected that the first monsters Aster killed dropped an essence stone, as there was a small trail in the sand from where the body landed, but the fight had lasted almost a minute, long enough for Minkalla to reclaim any essence.

Matt checked his injuries, but they weren’t that bad, and after casting [Bandage], he ran [Lesser Regeneration] and [Endurance] as his most cooldown-efficient methods of healing. He could have used [Ranged Heal], but that spell had a larger healing cooldown to counter its range and instant healing abilities.

Still, the wound wasn’t anything significant, so he was able to travel along with the others.

As they pushed deeper into the desert, they encountered larger groups of griffins ranging from the small half dozen, to one particularly large flock of thirty.

They learned the hard way that the flying lion-birds were incredibly annoying to fight. They didn’t just have [Wind Blade]s that trailed along their wings and exited their wingspan… No, their claws were their own incredibly dangerous weapon that rivaled any enchanted item.

Each claw was nearly invisible to their spiritual sense, and naturally imbued with armor penetration enchantments, making them beyond dangerous in close range. They harvested a few of the griffins’ rear paws for study once they were past this floor.

Liz took a particularly bad swipe from the claws, which really drove the lesson home. Thankfully, her armor had a repair enchantment that quickly had it back in top shape after they fed it a bar of Tier 14 steel.

They were nearly upon the spot where they felt the exit to the ruin when they discovered that something was wrong.

First of all, the ruin exit was underground, and there were at least two hundred griffins flying in a circle around something.

When they were in range to see the griffins with their spiritual sense, the monsters could easily see them, but the entire flock ignored them to continue their circular path.

Liz asked, “Any idea what they’re doing?”

Aster offered, “Maybe they’re like vultures, and there’s something dead or dying under them?”

Matt wasn’t sure if that checked out, as griffins typically weren't scavengers, but you never knew with ruins and rifts.

They kept close to the ground as they flew up the sand dune before they peered over the edge.

Except, they found nothing.

The hundreds of griffins were circling nothing.

Or at least, seemingly nothing.

They watched for another five minutes before something crawled out of the ground and stretched for the sky.

As it shook off the sand, Matt cursed.

It was an oversized sphinx. At least a hundred feet long from haunches to nose, it stretched up and screeched into the circle of griffins flying above. Or at least, that was what he interpreted it opening its mouth as.

Seeing that, Matt hoped they would fight, but he had no such luck.

As the sphinx presumably screeched, sand began to rise. At first, it was only a few particles, but over the course of a few seconds, there was a veritable sand storm.

The sand beat at them until they were forced underground, where they retreated into a small hole that Matt quickly dug.

The sphinx’s sandstorm had a magical component, and each little impact cut through any exposed skin. Aster got the worst of it, with her much smaller armor that mostly only covered her back and sides, and she needed a few minutes of dedicated self-healing to recover.

Even as she did that, they could feel the sand above their heads whipping itself into a raging fury, scouring anything on the surface to dust.

Just as the wind was dying down, Matt jerked along with everyone else.

The reward distortion of the ruin that they could feel, despite Minkalla and its floor themes restriction, vanished.

Before he could descend into a full-blown panic, they all felt the exit appear far away and what they presumed was deeper into the ruin.

Susanne kicked at the wall next to her, sending a crack up its length. “It moves around? How is that fair?”

Matt agreed fully. A teleporting ruin just seemed unfair. It was also the first of its kind he knew about; he just wasn’t sure if it was a thing that higher Realm ruins could do, or if it was a product of Minkalla.

Either way, it added at least another day of travel to their prospects.

When the remnants of the sand storm ended, the four of them crawled out of the sand to continue their trek through the desert.

In the next six hours, they fought their way through the griffins, but as soon as they neared the ruin exit once again, the griffins flocked up and summoned the sphinx to create another sand storm that teleported the exit once again.

It was at that, point the four of them were forced to stop and reevaluate their actions.

“I think the griffins are alerting the stupid cat.” Aster yipped as they hunkered down for the second time.

Matt backed her up. “It would seem so. But what can we do about it?”

He was formulating an idea when Liz asked, “Remember that rift Gregor, the investigator sent us into? When we were there, there were birds that only attacked us when we flew. Maybe that’s happening again.”

Matt nodded as she jogged his memory. It seemed likely enough, and they decided to try it.

When the second sand storm ended, they started a much slower walk through the desert.

Walking on sand was difficult at the best of times, but when you couldn't see with your eyes, it was a million times worse. Each step was an entire mental thought process, and it quickly drained the four of them.

Or rather, three of them. With the environment as hot as they knew it to be, they didn’t want to risk Aster burning her paws on the hot sand, and she refused to put on her shoes, so they decided to backpack her. They would have liked to ride on Liz’s elephant, but as badly as they were doing on the sand, it was far worse. The summon was simply not nimble enough to keep up with sand slides, and it tended to throw its rider off while trying to recover. After the third attempt, Liz just dismissed it.

They had been hiking through the desert for nearly an hour, and were starting to believe that  their plan was actually working, when the sand started to quake from under their feet .

Matt was ready to take to the air when a number of nearly invisible lizardmen crawled out of the sand with spears and shields.

Matt responded with a [Mana Slash] almost perfectly in sync with Susanne’s [Wind Cutter].

Their attacks took two of the lizardmen out of the fight before they could even properly stand up, but there were at least a dozen others emerging from the sand.

Liz and Aster took two out just a heartbeat after, but they were still surrounded. The opposing spears and shields were either enchanted, or the lizardmen had spear and shield skills, as each glowed with mana and felt dangerous.

Matt slapped away the first thrust and bent to dodge a second from the nearest lizardman’s compatriot.

A third attacker tried to jab at him, but Matt caught the weapon’s shaft and pulled hard.

The lizardman tried to come with the blow and shield bash him with its glowing shield, but Matt drove the point of his blade through the shield and the lizardman, yanking it out to the side in a spray of blood.

Even as he did so, he was shocked at the amount of power he had needed to break through the shield. At the level of physical boost he was running, he should be able to cut through anything below Tier 15 with ease, but he barely managed to pierce the shield.

Before he could analyze the situation more, a third and fourth lizardman charged at him, and their blades punctured [Cracked Phantom Armor] but skittered off his under armor. Noting that he needed to use the second layer of [Cracked Phantom Armor], Matt kicked out at the nearest lizardman's knee while casting [Jolt] with free hand. As he broke free of the encirclement and used his Concept to part the air around them, while also activating its repelling effect to deflect a spear thrust, he moved behind the group of monsters in a burst of speed.

Chopping down with his blade, he cut one, then two lizardmen down, hitting a third with another [Jolt] that sent it reeling back.

Now that he was free of the encirclement, Matt had little issue swinging his blade and slinging his spells to take out ten lizardmen that kept bubbling out of the sand like waves of locusts.

The others had also taken care of their opponents, and when there were at least three dozen dead lizardmen, the waves of enemies stopped coming.

They all needed healing after the ambush, but after looting more skills and two essence orbs, they continued their march through the desert.

As they trekked towards the ruin exit, they encountered ambush after ambush, but they persisted. Once they were accustomed to their enemies’ attack pattern, they only took only a few small wounds during each encounter.

Still, they were met with a circling of griffins at the precipice of the ruin exit, along with a sphinx that created a sandstorm to teleport the exit away.

Back in a hole in the ground, Matt thought about what they could do and offered, “If walking and flying don't work, there needs to be an answer. My question is, where are the lizardmen coming from?”

Liz asked, “Dig down then?”

“That's my idea.” Matt nodded.

“Can’t hurt...” Susanne shrugged as she leaned against the wall.

Aster just gurgled from the ice bath she had created. Even if she couldn’t directly feel the hot temperatures, the heat was getting to her and wearing her down.

When the sand storm vanished they all continued on, but they stopped short of where they expected the next ambush to come from.

Instead, Matt used [Sand Manipulation] and dug them a staircase down. They had reached a half-mile underground when they finally found a layer of rock.

Matt thought they had found the immovable floors of Minkalla at first, but with [Earth Manipulation], he was able to open them up a doorway into the rock.

None of them expected to find themselves inside a labyrinth that was hidden below the sand.

Once they were inside, they were forced to fight their way through seemingly random groups of lizardmen patrols, but there were no more teleports.

It was also a great source of Genesis Energy.

They had been underground for an entire day when Aster jerked after killing off a lizardman.

“Something happened. I now have enough Genesis Energy to purchase the exit reward.”

Matt looked to his bond and felt her for Genesis Energy, and yes, he could feel quite a bit built up inside her spirit.

They sent some of their excess Genesis Energy into their Genesis Energy rings, but they had been fighting so many lizardmen in the halls that all of them had forgotten to do so, to greater or lesser degrees.

The idea was to keep just enough Genesis Energy cycling to help their items convert into growth items, but they tried to keep their presence muted by adding excess Genesis Energy into the rings.

Wanting to test what she said, Matt emptied his ring, and most of the way through his reserves, Matt felt a bit of knowledge seep into his mind. He somehow knew that if he were to reach the floor one exit that he could claim its reward.

All of them discovered the same thing, but it led to further testing. They all had a similar amount of Genesis Energy, and part of their agreement upon entering was that they would pool their Genesis Energy together, so they all transferred their excess Genesis Energy to Aster as a test.

And as they expected, with three quarters of their total Genesis Energy, Aster got a second bit of information that she now had enough Genesis Energy for the floor reward, if she so chose to take that challenge.

That gave them pause.

It meant that they were well ahead of the curve in terms of Genesis Energy, but they were just over a week spent inside. Not that it was a bad thing, but it didn’t mean they could afford to slow down. If anything, that just meant they should go faster, trying to get even farther ahead of the curve.

Eternal Darkness on the first floor was not a super vital reward. They would take it, as they had earned enough Genesis Energy, but they wouldn’t linger beyond that.

They suspected that their faster-than-usual progress came down to two factors; their Tier, and the challenge rooms they had encountered and completed. Being Tier 11’s they got more Genesis Energy per kill, and needed less Genesis Energy for the rewards. They had also gotten the max reward for the Ants vs Elephants challenge, and a very respectable reward from the simulation.

That, along with their slaughter of the griffins and lizardmen, along with the massive discount from being Tier 11, put them ahead of most others.

With that in mind and pushing them forward, they sped up their progress, trying to get through the labyrinth.

It took them another day and a half, but they managed to push until they were nearly upon the ruin exit.

When they exited the halls of the labyrinth, they found themselves in an open-air stadium that was so large, it stretched past the range of their spiritual perception. Judging by the range of their senses, they could surmise that the stadium was at least three miles long.

Even the massive sphinx lying in the center of the field seemed normal cat-sized in the massive room.

Sand was piled up along the edges and swirled in little eddies as the griffins flew around in their seemingly normal whirlpool around the sphinx.

Sensing their approach, the sphinx stood up and shook itself off. It stretched before opening its mouth in a silent growl.

Before they were able to do anything, the griffins started to dive at them.

Liz called out as she took to the air, “Aster and I got the griffins, you guys kill the sphinx!”

Matt and Susanne launched themselves forward at their fastest speeds, and closed the distance with the massive sphinx.

A pillar of sand rose up and tried to slam into Susanne, but Matt used his own [Sand Manipulation] to halt the attack.

The cat jerked back as if slapped, but while that pillar of sand fell, another dozen pillars formed and flew at them.

Matt used his prodigious mana generation to throw power at the problem, and slowed the waves of sand just enough to allow them to approach the boss. Susanne used her second version of her Concept blade to launch a ranged [Wind Cutter] that vibrated with the telltale sign of her casting it with [Hypersonic Edge]. The attack was able to block the sphinx wing that came crashing down on her while she used her main blade to cut at the descending paw.

Matt was half a second behind her, and as she pulled back, he brought his blade around in a heavy blow with both [Mana Slash] and [Mana Charge] charged to the max, letting them loose on contact with the beast's shoulder.

[Mana Slash] worked best with range, but it had a penetrative power that [Mana Charge] lacked, and he used the combo to blow a chunk of flesh off the beast, earning a silent roar.

The sphinx hopped back and tried its sand attack trick, but Matt commanded the sand to stop, which slowed the attacks to the point of being useless.

Seemingly giving up on that tactic, the competing control over the sand vanished, and the giant cat flexed its wings to fly into the air.

As Liz and Aster were permanently reducing the Griffin population above them, Matt refused to let the monster take to the skies.

Using his new gauntlets, he maxed out the mana throughput and pulled the sphinx out of the air. He had to use [Sand Manipulation] to keep himself from getting crushed under a wave of loose sand, but he brought the beast’s attention back to him and Susanne without letting it interfere with Liz and Aster's battle.

Even as the sphinx was being dragged to him and his gravity well, Susanne, who had driven her primary blade into the ground to anchor herself, used her second sword copy to launch consecutive [Wind Cutter] and [Mana Slash]es at the sphinx.

The giant cat seemed to have enough, and all the sand in the room rushed in towards it through some sort of spell. Matt found that his [Sand Manipulation] was completely ineffective against the casting.

Not wanting to be near the boss if this was some attack, Matt stopped controlling gravity and retreated with Susanne.

As the sand finished rushing at the boss, they found that it was now clad in sand armor.

It seemed to have decided that its flight wasn’t worth the lack of defenses, and it happily pounced at them, bringing massive, stone-covered paws down at them. He and Susanne fled outward in opposite directions as the giant paw slammed the ground between them, shaking the entire arena.

There was a blast of wind from above them, and as Matt rolled from another strike, he sent his spiritual perception up above to where Liz and Aster were.

A massive eagle had joined the fight in the skies, which made Matt wonder about the origins of this ruin and where the griffins had come from.

Seeing that Liz and Aster were successfully kiting the giant eagle, and that they didn’t seem to be in any obvious danger, Matt refocused on his own problems.

He used [Earth Manipulation] to create a pillar of stone to block the next paw swipe, then rose a number of additional pillars throughout the otherwise empty room, creating some cover for him and Susanne.

The sphinx seemed to disagree, as it spun in a circle shattering most of the pillars, then turned to where Susanne was standing. She had just landed a [Wind Cutter] on its flank and cracked its armor, finally drawing blood.

Matt was sending out a [Mana Slash] as a follow-up when he caught its rear paw to the chest in a surprise kick, and was sent flying.

He was able to catch himself with his Concept, but despite not being able to feel it he knew the injury was server where the lion paw claws had torn through his armor as if it wasn’t there. That only reaffirmed his theory that the griffins were some mutant mix between the giant eagle and sphinx.

Teleporting forward, Matt joined Susanne in the melee and exchanged a few blows with the boss.

Their swords were able to pierce its armor, turning  the fight into one of attrition.

It was a perfectly fine place for Matt to be. One on one fights that lasted a long time were where he shined. And if they had been alone, that would have been ok, but they weren't. After all, Liz and Aster were dealing with the ruins' second boss themselves.

Those two had entered Liz’s golem form and cast [Blood Crystal Armor], creating a giant, golden golem that was currently grappling with the eagle. From inside the behemoth, Matt could feel Aster’s presence as she was sending and directing attack after attack at the griffins that were trying to land and tear at their armor.

Seeing that they needed some help, Matt cast [Hail] for a second so Aster had some more ice to work with.

Susanne dodged a bite, and Matt used that as his chance to unleash a [Mana Slash] at the cat's open mouth.

This time, a flap of tongue fell out of the sphinxes mouth, and Matt tried to follow up as the cat retreated, spitting blood.

Having retreated, the sphinx eyed Matt and Susanne as they spread apart and started approaching from both sides. While they were close, he used his Concept to help fill up his teammate’s dwindling mana pool.

They hadn’t worked together long, but they were both competent melee fighters, and their styles merged well.

At the same time, they both raced forward and let loose attacks.

Susanne used [Hypersonic Edge] and [Wind Cutter], while Matt used [Jolt] and [Earth Spear] to take the boss in the flank.

The attacks pissed the sphinx off enough that it abandoned any subtlety and tried to pounce at Matt, so he dropped his sword and he reached out to grab the monster’s arm-length canine teeth.

Matt was only Tier 11, but after dropping [Cracked Phantom Armor]s protection to the minimum, he had 2000 MPS to spread between all of his physical cultivation skills. [Acrobat’s Finesse], [Ranger’s Sight], [Sharp Mind], [Willow in the Wind], and [Lesser Regeneration] were only used a little, to keep his general physical capabilities in line with [Barbarian’s Hide] and [Mage’s Retreat], which had respectively 300 MPS and 1500 MPS.

With that much of a boost, Matt caught the sphinx biting attack and held it from edging any closer.

The sphinx wasn't stupid, and it tried to pull back from his grasp, digging its nails into the ground to do so. In return, Matt used his gauntlet's gravity powers to stick the monster's canines to his hands, while locking himself down with his Concept to prevent it from retreating.

It wouldn't last long, but with the sphinx unable to move, Matt grinned as Susanne closed the distance. Using both her swords and [Hypersonic Edge], she cut at the sphinx’s neck from top and bottom.

Like a pair of scissors, her blades cut deep into the monster's neck, but it wasn't enough to decapitate it.

Matt solved that issue by changing his anchoring grasp to a pulling force, while also pushing his repelling force onto the monster's body.

One tug and twist later, the boss's head separated from the body, and the rush of Genesis Energy was like a wave that crashed over him and Susanne.

Instead of celebrating, Matt flew up and joined Liz in her battle against the eagle.

Except, he found that the eagle was already battered and bloodied, barely on its own last legs. Instead, he cast [Flamethrower] and [Fire Manipulation] to fry or scare off all the remaining griffins.

In less than a minute, Liz had their battle with the eagle wrapped up, smothering it with her blood to finish it off.

After the rush of Genesis Energy, she stood up with an excited Aster as the remaining griffins fled.

Liz sauntered over and asked, “Who expected two bosses? I didn’t. The asshole landed on me out of nowhere.”

Matt could see that she was still proud of herself and shot back, “I decapitated a sphinx with just physical power. That's far more impressive when you really look at it.”

Aster hopped out of her backpack and said to Susanne, “And they forget about our contributions as soon as it comes to bragging. How droll.”

She pranced over to the eagle and sphinx, casting [Heart of Power] to eat both of the bosses hearts for the chance at extra permanent power.

As the skill had been upgraded from the start for her, it could permanently add to her cultivation, and had done so a few times over the years. She usually did so because she enjoyed eating hearts, more so than the very rare chance at getting the increase.

Except this time, the sphinx’s heart increased her mana pool cultivation.

[Heart of Power] didn’t force her to advance, but it allowed her to push further in her current cultivation.

After getting the upgrade, Aster pranced around happily. “That was a bit of Genesis Energy added to my core, not essence. I'm the best! We need an ice cream break! Ice cream for everyone!”

Matt stared in disbelief at his bond's luck and cursed.

Grumbling, the three humans ignored the excited fox as they moved over to the ruin reward. There they dispelled it, and out from its depths came a number of items.

They pulled out their portable house and set it up to take a break before they moved to the next sub-floor and to inspect the items.

The first and most obvious reward was a greatsword in the same form as Susanne’s.

This one was razor thin, and enchanted with only sharpness enchantments. With a careful test, they discerned that it was able to easily cut through the sphinx’s stone armor.

Susanne sighed. “I don’t really use real blades anymore, but that would be good to pull out in an emergency. Shame that it’ll break if I look at it sideways.”

The next item of note was a choker with a stylized snowflake hanging off it.

Aster took it and found that it boosted her ice powers, and created a better version of Matt’s shade formation disks.

She loved it because it looked good, but it was a very potent find for the winter fox.

There were also a number of alchemy ingredients that were rare Tier 14 herbs, and Liz happily transplanted them into her garden.

Matt didn’t get anything so pointed in the reward, but was quite happy with the two dozen essence stones and a handful of common Tier 14 skills.

After their three days in the heat of the ruin, everyone relaxed and slept for a full six hours before they stepped into the distortion that would take them to the next sub-floor of Minkalla.



So one thing, and maybe I missed it, but does the Genesis energy reset each floor? Is it worth skipping the floor one reward so that you carry that energy to floor two (and beyond)?


That was a damn good fight


Why didn't they already have some environmental protection equipment? Given Matt's money printing abilities and the rewards they should have gotten from being first place, they should be filthy rich, more than enough to get a full setup of equipment. Speaking of their tournament rewards, it seems like they didn't actually get most of them. The cracked skills from Frederick were an additional reward, not the main reward. They should have gotten shitloads of permanent boosting treasures, like that tree of perfection, generic stat-boosting treasures, ones that strengthen spirit, ones that grant skills that grow alongside you like that thing they found a little bit ago, and more. The sects would certainly do that to their best people. The tournament was the empire's only chance to directly give resources to their ascenders without breaking the path's rules, so the empire would definitely take it. Also, why don't any of the great powers get somebody who has a similar ability to Aster's [Heart of Power], have them stay at tier 14 while using their ability to boost their cultivation to the point that they could kill everybody else in Minkalla without actually going up a tier, then send them into Minkalla to wipe out potential threats from the other great powers. The power growth from [Heart of Power] is slow, but I'm sure there are natural treasures that can grant biological immortality(doesn't that tree of perfection they got forever ago do that?). When people create a skill, it gets added to the rift potential drops table, but does that happen if Minkalla creates a skill? Also, why doesn't anybody pay some tier 14s to carry a tier 11 through the first floor(if the tier 11 needs contribution they can use support abilities or talismans), and pay the tier 11 to exit after floor 1 and create a skill based on their specifications. This would allow for the creation of skills that could combo well with specific builds, such as a skill that creates a mana battery that the user can directly cast from and that gets filled by your regeneration before your mana pool, so Matt could keep his mana pool as close to 0 as he can instead of keeping it at 1% which would exponentially boost his regen(actually, he could do that now when he is just using channeled skills). Also, a skill that channels mana to create a mana stone that is bigger based on how long the skill was channeled, since Matt will have issues with overfilling his mana pool to use his talent when he gets to high tiers. Matt also needs a true channeled shield skill, since [Cracked Phantom Armor] hasn't been able to keep up for a bit. A skill that can make a copy of a skill crystal that you have in your possession(or absorbed) would be very helpful with rare skills. Since Minkalla draws in mana and is able to create Genesis Energy, it should be able to create a skill that can create Genesis Energy, though the skill would likely just convert essence into it as a low ratio(which would still be incredible).

Shane Kelly

Minkalla kinda reminds me of a roguelike with the Great Powers as the players. Might be a good idea to look into making a game since you have a lot of the concept/theme planned already just need to figure out the gameplay loop and hire some devs.


Good stuff as always thanks for the chapter!


while I agree that the book in general would work great in a video game, you would need a little more than "figure out the gameplay loop and hire some devs"


You can only enter minkalla once. Anybody skilled enough to do the things you’re suggesting would be ascender material and wouldn’t hurt they’re own future potential by not taking full advantage of minkalla for themselves, not wasting the trip on others or the empire.

Shane Kelly

True but wouldn't a good team of devs handle a lot of that work with C. Mantis being a point of feedback?


Game dev here. I agree it seems neat, but finding an idea that seems nice is easy, the problem is building the game that goes with it. Usually the real challenge is finding either a very simple but compelling idea that you can make a game revolving around a few core principles (even then it usually needs a tons of testing ideas and refining), or having a stupid amount of money (8 digits). Neither ensure the result is fun. Considering all the lore and mechanics from Minkalla/PoA, it might be better to find an existing game that's close enough and copy the gameplay/reskin the game, or mod the shit out of it. I bet you could try to make a Stellaris version of managing the Empire itself, with planet tiering up and adding planets from the Chaotic Space lol


the tier 11 doesn't need to be skilled though, because of the tier14s paid to carry them. the person with the [Heart of Power] equivalent doesn't need to be too skilled and could still get all of their rewards. If anything, they'd get more from killing so many other high power contestants.


Normal tier 14’s aren’t going to be able to carry a normal tier 11 deep into minkalla, probably not even a couple floors. You’d need skilled people for that, and as I said before skilled people aren’t going to shoot themselves in the foot by wasting their only shot at minkalla not entering at a lower tier or just focusing on solely themselves. The empire likewise wants their skilled people focusing on themselves because they represent the future of the empire. Matt and Liz could do what you’re suggesting, if they were 14 they could carry a small group of 11s all the way to minkalla’s core, easily probably, but then Matt and Liz would be weaker for it. So tell me, did the empire really gain or lose in the end with these tier 11’s? The safe play, and the smart play, is to let the talented people carry themselves and gain as much as they can. If carrying people to victory worked well in the long run, then the path wouldn’t exist.


between skills, skill modification, items, growth items, concepts, talents, and cultivation; it would be a bitch and a half to manage character progression.


Edit Suggestions: and the arm-length frozen pillar caught one of the trailing griffins right in the chest, -> remove double space turning the fight into one of attrition. -> remove double space One on one fights that lasted a long time were where he shined. -> I believe that since Matt is shining himself, the verb should be "shone". If he was shining a torch/shining his shoes, it would be shined.


They don't need to go deep into Minkalla, just the first floor. A decent tier 14 with gear provided by the high tier person funding this could easily carry a tier 11 through the first floor. It might slow them down a little bit on floor 1, but the gear would let them do better on other floors enough to make up for the time lost, and would probably let them get more rewards from Minkalla than they would have normally. That's not even including what they are getting paid for doing this.


Would also need a list of all the skills, we've seen a lot but you'd need to actually put together a complete list for tier 8/14 and above skills. Probably use decks of cards to determine rewards. Possible to do it DnD style and roll multiple die to get a number from a written list. With the list being to reward based on tier of rift. Easier that way than cards and can be updated with new rewards. Maybe roll once to get reward type (pointing to a certain list, ie. dagger,armor,skill) then a second roll to get the enchants or exact skill. The hardest part would probably setting up the currency system.

Immutably Empty

Just to make sure i understand correctly, at this point, Matt and team have competed 1 of 3 subfloors within the first theme/level, correct?


I believe they completed a sub floor with each challenge and the Ruin they completed was the final one of the first floor. I could be wrong, but that was my interpretation.

Shane Kelly

I think the genesis energy could be the currency since it's used to essentially unlock challenge rooms and buy the floor rewards. The skill pool could have tier 8 skills as normal with tier 14 being rare or boss drops. The game wouldn't need all the skills or items just a sample of what tier 11-14 would probable have. Skill modification could just be a to upgrade a skill, maybe each skill has a choice of 2 or 3 upgrades, or just a set path. Enchantments could be randomised modifiers on drops. Talents, cultivation and concepts could all be tied to a character, with a bunch to choose from. Maybe have a growth item tied to the as well? Have it upgradeable between runs? These a just some ideas I've come up with. Took most of the inspiration from Binding of Isaac, maybe it'd work better as a mod there instead of a full game. idk just spit balling. It was a bit naïve to say a good dev would just do it all. I didn't think about the logistics. It would really be an undertaking but I think the idea could work. You would definitely have to strip away a lot of the lore and story elements to make it work.

Immutably Empty

That's why I'm unsure. Cause i initially thought that too, but this is the first time i see the rift reward mentioned, so now i wonder if this is subfloor 1 of 3 instead. In addition, the last line talks about the next subfloor, not next theme (though it doesnt actually prove anything)


No it doesn't reset. It can be consumed for rewards or during challenges as a sort of investment. I don't think holding genesis energy is worth it to "save for better rewards," because it for one acts as a beacon to enemies, and secondly each reward that upgrades their power or survivability will allow them to collect more genesis energy faster as they go. The only benefit to rushing is that rewards are more generous for the first groups on a floor, as the genesis energy and general essence level will be at its peak, much like a maxed out Rift giving better rewards than a low-essence one.


Doesn't Aster's heart-eating skill only work once per tier? I may be wrong. I'd imagine there are at least diminishing returns. Or minkala could somehow even the odds, or some other bullshit reason for story to progress as it has. I think if there is a skill or talent that allows them to be massively OP for a tier 14, we know those two things can be totall altered or suppressed by mikaela


He will take 70% of proceeds for the idea, and gamw developer and team get other 30% for the minutiae of building the entire game from scratch.


This was just the first subfloor. It’s confusing, that’s for sure, I commented as much on the last chapter. Author said they’d be skipping around in the last chapter comments, so hopefully the arc is a good length but not too long.


Thanks for the great chapter


'he knew the injury was server where the lion paw claws had torn through his armor as if it wasn’t there.' I eventually understood what this sentence meant, but it took me several tries - it could really use an edit for clarity. Also, server -> severe


Yeah that's the first of 3 sub floors of the first layer. The challenges are just things you can stumble on. Author said he's going to start skipping more to speed it up.

David Bean

Aster can use her heart eating power as often as she wants, but the boost is usually temporary, though there is a very low percentage chance for the boost to be permanent. She was using it non stop on those bears on the training world.

David Bean

Honestly this arc is exciting enough, and with enough variety, that i actually hope it lasts a pretty long time. What could they be doing that will be more interesting than this?


I agree it’s interesting but is it 100 chapters worth interesting? Nope, not at all.

Mister Cakers

My only problem with it is that we’re 5 chapters in and only just made it to the second subfloor of three on the least important layer in Minkalla. Theres a lot to get through and honestly I’m impatient.


One thing to that probably needs fixing is that Matt is feeling hot in this chapter. We'll, he realizes he is. He should always have cracked armor running and he's basically never felt uncomfortable heat or cold while in it before. Not even smell, so why doesn't he have it on?? I can see the others realizing it, but he shouldn't be thr one to notice the heat/sluggishness that comes from it..


Ya seems like you would want to skip more on the first floors and as thing get tougher skip less.