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Oh yeah we're cooking this November, this one is probably the biggest update ever? For those who have been following my Anime Training Arc to conquer ADHD this is the satisfying conclusion to that story, as things have truly improved beyond my expectations in basically every way...which is a lot. So much so that once I started sharing the tangible ways things are changing for me I really started going. 

Somewhere in the midst of that, I discuss how I've been fine tuning various features of the YouTube channel such as homepage, playlists, and more. The big goal is to nail down all the fundamentals of the channel so that as we start kicking ass into the new year, new and old listeners alike can find what they want and tap in without having to do any extra effort over on YouTube. 

There's somethingggg I'm trying to have ready in December as a bit of present and reward for your patience through the year that should set the tone for what's to come. Shouldn't have any issues making that happen, but don't want to announce just in case! We've learned that lesson. lol

Also, sleep aids! I've got the prompts ready and I should be able to do whatever minimal writing is necessary to get in the booth, record them, and edit them to create some cozy vibes! I'm also looking at creating some standard anxiety/mood/stress comfort with all the boys just to make sure we have those on the channel because they're long overdue!

Not to mention a whole lot of other stuff that's been on the back burner is now getting addressed and prioritized. I'm really optimistic, and deeply thankful. I tried to avoid doing a big teary eyed thank you, but by the time we're finished in this update I definitely express just how deep that gratitude goes.



I feel a lot of this. The brain doesn't always focus well. Motivation is hard to come by.

Wisp of Thought

So glad to hear all of this relief and enthusiasm. So proud and honored to be here alongside your journey. Thank you!