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This update ended up being very big, so the short version is WE'RE DOING GREAT! THANK YOU! For those of you who want to know what my future plans are after we hit 100%, and what other plushies may be on the horizon, keep reading!

The response to the Charlie plushie has been outstanding, and that we're this close to 100% funded in a matter of days is a testament to the love and support y'all show me and the boys. I posted a Short/Tiktok during the first minutes of the plushie being available sharing a teary eyed thank you, and words cannot express how blown away I am seeing that trend continue through the past 72 hours!

It's safe to say that 100% is just a matter of time, so big shoutout to those of you who have been waiting for payday, better timing, or even holiday shopping to happen because I know there are still plenty of you who are going to bring this boy home!

So the real update is, I've been cooking up ideas for stretch rewards to unlock as we hit other benchmarks! I think the goal should be 400 plushies sold, and I want to find unique ways to celebrate us hitting those benchmarks. I can't add any trinkets or goodies to the actual plushie orders because that's not how Makeship works, but I can do things that I share with the entire community!

A couple of ideas I've had so far:

  • Charlie Cosplay Livestream (LOL)
  • A Lost & Found Bonus Episode (Initially planned for 8 parts, will now have a 9th part that serves as an epilogue)
  • Charlie LIVE ASMR Roleplay Stream

Other ideas? Place suggestions in the comments!

As for what comes next after this plushie, I'm hopeful that we can target the BitterSweet boys either as a pair with a discount for buying both, or we'll do Seth then Alphonse since Al already got the plushie treatment. I have to sit down with Makeship and see if that's even doable, or if they think I'm too much of a weenie to pull off doing a two plushies at once campaign. 

The way that we can make those things a possibility is blowing the doors off of this campaign. We've already surpassed the pace that the Dark Mode Alphonse plushie was going at so I know we're doing good, but if we can hit certain benchmarks, we'll get more opportunities with Makeship.

I've been told that if we somehow hit 1k plushies I'll be in some sorta special boy tier, but I feel like we'd have to do something incredible to hit that number. My personal goal was like...300 plushies, so I'm already really shocked and happy. 

My personal philosophy with the plushies and merch in general is that I'm just happy to put cool stuff in the hands of people who support me and want goodies. A plushie is really awesome and I'm proud to have made one, let alone doing two now. So thank you all for loving the boys and being so wonderful. I want to continue doing cool stuff for you all.

Not only is it a big deal to flex our muscle for Makeship to see what we can do as a community, there are others watching, so the public show of support and love really means the world to me. I am so motivated and pumped up for what we are going to do in 2024, and you're a part of that.

I want to make you all proud. Thank you. Let's kick this thing's ass!

Get your plushie here! 




Someday let’s do a Finn one that comes with little plush flowers you can arrange in a basket. Picking up my Charlie tonight! Congrats! ✨


Congratulations on getting 💯!!!