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Ah yes, it's that time of the month where I settle in and ramble into your holes (of the ear variety) for a good few minutes! Spooky season has been a smashing success, ha, and we're gearing up to celebrate 7 years of YuuriVoice on Sunday! I chit chat about some of the reveals and teasers that are coming, as well as how the whole mental health thing is going as I adjust to my meds!


Diesel Dreamer

First off, the "Herculean effort" and the "pressure to start vs pressure = overwhelm" are issues I have struggled with with my ADHD as well (I think people refer to it as executive functioning issues). But yeah, I've been on meds for my ADHD for 30 years and been on multiple different ones, and something I've found is that no one med addressed ALL of the issues I have with my ADHD. Like one med was like the one you talked about, where it helps me with the "starting tasks" issue but maybe it won't help with short term memory stuff, where another med will help me with short term memory issues but then maybe my procrastination gets worse. It's a journey, and I'm glad to hear that you're doing well (aside from the nausea, I get that if I don't eat enough too). And don't ever get down when people say that "laziness" nonsense. We often do have a mountain to climb to get stuff done, especially when it's stuff that doesn't give us an immediate dopamine rush 😉 Good luck with your journey, it sounds like you're doing great already 💗

Lizzy Gaunt

I recently started going to the gym, it's so motivating to hear that I'm not the only one struggling with weight, mental health etc. I looked unhealthy when I was skinny, so I get it!