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In this special Halloween treat, Finn invites the listener over for bambrack to celebrate Samhain! If that sounds like gibberish to you, don't worry, Finn is happy to explain this Celtic holiday that serves as the origin of what we now know as Halloween, all while serving up some traditional cake! And yes, it is pronounced that way. 

Script by Racquie Dart



We got another finn audio today. As a treat🥺😍


I love all the Finn content today.


As an Irish person this makes me so happy. All the facts are on point


Its so nice to see a character who celebrates Pagan holidays


2 Finn audios in one day?? You’re spoiling us. 😍


Finn: oh, you got the ring!! That’s good luck!! Me: fuck good luck marry me


as a fellow pagan and witch i truly appreciate this 💕😭


As a witch I'm so happy with this audio. I'm making boxty this weekend to celebrate.


Samhain? I HAVE BROUGHT MEAD. Maybe Soul cakes as well, as offerings for spirits.


I love Finn so much, i'm a baby witch and learning about traditions is something that i really enjoy, so hearing Finn explain and ramble makes me really happy and interested :)


I reeeeeally need to find a recipe for bambrack. My great grandma sadly never introduced us to the Celtic Pagan side of being Irish, sooo learning a lot on my own. ^^

Miss M

All this Finn content today? That some good stuff 👍


As a fan of the celtic holidays myself, I just LOVE it. More of that please!! <3 <3


Eek! My script! 😃😍 thanks yuuri! You did amazing with it!!


Hearing about this Celtic tradition and comparing to my own cultures very similar traditions is wild


This makes my Pagan heart VERY happy

Siren Song

This is adorable and sweet. I love Finn so much and I love the Pagan inclusion.


As someone who’s Irish and inclined to magic and Halloween, I’ve fallen for Finn even more after this audio! 10/10

Melissa Immerman

I really want to learn more about Finn I love this boy!


My pagan heart can't handle this😭


Not me omw to the shop to buy bambrack after listening to this lmao

Dia Griffins (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-19 16:17:10 Low-key triggered listening to this (I’m Irish lmao) but he’s so sweet so it’s ok <3
2021-10-29 20:43:17 Low-key triggered listening to this (I’m Irish lmao) but he’s so sweet so it’s ok <3

Low-key triggered listening to this (I’m Irish lmao) but he’s so sweet so it’s ok <3