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Loki returns from some time away doing Loki things (trickery, backstabbery, and being sexy I suppose) to find his most dedicated follower keeping his bed warm. This pleases Loki, though he's not entirely thrilled that the listener has been enjoying themselves without him. He decides that before deciding what to do with them, he'll show off one of the spoils from his time away, a dagger. Though, Loki's idea of "showing off" this blade has some...interesting implications.

Contains: Fem!Listener, knife play that contains some very careful showing of how sharp the blade is followed by fucking the listener with the hilt, wow writing it out like that made me do a double take, implied that Loki is going to give some oral at some point after the also implied dicking he's going to give the listener. 




What is it about your knifeplay audios that always has me going "oh shit didn't realise I'd be so into this"? I'm neutral abt Loki but you do it so well this is honestly one of my faves


The blade sound effect made me shiver...... maybe I like blades more than I thought :|


YEs for obvious reasons this is my new favourite, Loki's spirit is captured so well in the voice a good few things make me shiver. Thanks~


This is awesome timing. I was in my philosophy class and we were talking about different types of sex acts. Then this popped up. Just the best timing xD

patch-of-shore (Damien)

Mmmmm! That unsheathing sound effect 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 bruh I die there was no part of this I didn't like except for the fact that it ended. Scribe, you're my hero tbh T-T ok maybe not but you are one of my favorite artists, that is definitely true


I would love more Loki

Caylin Schauermann

I'm shook. I literally just breathed heavily to silence for ten minutes. This is perfect.