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We've already had a few great questions submitted, but I wanted to put out one more reminder for this month! If you wanna hear me say your name and read your question (and answer it), be sure to drop me a line in the comment section!

The way this works is at the start of each month I'll make a post just like this to take questions in the comment section, then in the last week of the month I'll post an audio of me answering those questions!

You can ask me anything, be it personal, or about audios, or just...anything in general! A lot of people have voiced that they enjoy just hearing me talk so even if you think you question may not be great, go ahead and ask it! I can make my answer interesting and have a good time with it, trust me!



How do you overcome perso al discouragement? Sometimes its just hard and I'm still learning...and learning, and finding how much I dont know. Its almost insurmountable :"D.


No question this time; just wanted to let you know that you are a precious gift 💖


Let's see... I seem to recall that you have a cat, a very fluffy and adorable one. Are there any notable feline shenanigans that he gets up to, or hilarious personality quirks that he has?


I know I already asked a question, but Alphonse wasn't shown when I did. I know he is coming up soon, but I am wondering so much about him!!! Mostly his personality. Will he be like Guzma, cocky yet insecure badass? Will he have an accent? What's his tattoo on his arm? Does he skateboard? What's his sexuality? Is he possessive? Does he have a last name? AHHHHH! So many questions....Sorry Sorry I am just fangirling too much.