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An Anon on Tumblr asked me about looking back at people in your past, the desire to reach out and mend things, and so on. I took a while to think about my answer, and I felt so good about it, I wanted to record it and share it with you all. This is a little different, but I felt like this was a relatable enough subject matter that it was a good kind of different. 





I'm glad I get to hear these kinds of mssgs now since I moved up. I think this was just the thing I needed to hear. There's been lots of stuff on my mind lately. Not really pleasant stuff but it's important to think about these things. Knowing when to cut ties to make a better life for yourself is nothing to look down on. Sometimes the best choice isn't always the right one. I'm just glad that I wasn't the only one who thought that way. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, it helps really! (^^)/


I don't think I'm at that point in my life where I'm happy where I am but I hope someday I will be and the people who left who hurt me and my family will also become chapters in the past. I look forward to that. Thank you for your answer :)


Im really needed to hear this, this helps a lot of my worries and stress.