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Me, rambling, for your listening pleasure. But like, not that kind of pleasure. Just...for listening...enjoyment. There ya go. Happy Halloween and stuff everyone.






I'm liking the early access so far, but I still go to the tumblr to read things people write


Is it possible for you to go on a mini hiatus and take a break? You sound really burnt out. Maybe time off would do you some good, and give you inspiration. When taking notes, why not look at doujins of fanfics? You know, to give you an idea for different scenarios? ;w; Whatever you decide to do, just know that we love you and are with you 100% of the way.


Patreon ate my reply I guess. Short version: I think you really misunderstood what I was trying to convey? I'm just saying that I put a lot of care into what I do. I am not lacking in ideas, I'm just saying that with the amount content I create that it does become tedious. And I just took a two week break to do whatever I wanted. I released an audio every day last week and had a great time. I'm good, having fun. I just...? The last thing I wanted to say was "I'm lacking inspiration" because that's honestly the complete opposite of the truth. I appreciate your concern though.


as a fellow fat person, i feels ya on the costume thing but I do love Halloween, so I try to hit up thrift stores to find some stuff


*hugs* Sorry to hear that. Halloween is a big deal between my friends and i. Tis like Christmas! Adore you!!!! Hope to meet you at a con someday!!!




I totally feel you on the Halloween thing. I have the day off but no plans or motivation to do anything lol I just wanted to say thank you for all the audio like always. Your stuff has single-handedly gotten me through 2 months of post-breakup depression and I sleep better at night as long as I listen to your voice before drifting off~ Thank you.