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Felix Graham de Vanily

One of my absolute favorite fanon headcanons for Luka involves him owning a bike however for Lukelix my headcanon is that it’s Felix who owns a motorcycle instead.

I see Felix as someone who loves both fast bikes and fast sports cars and his favorite vehicle is his red sport bike that allows him to freely navigate the city and maneuver easily through any traffic.

It’s interesting to me how both Adrien and Felix would crave freedom and a chance to be free to the themselves and not a cookie cutter version of what they are expected to be even if their circumstances and reasons for that are completely different.

Adrien is physically restricted by his father’s suffocating schedule for him where as Felix’s restrictions are more psychological.

Felix’s love for fast and dangerous vehicles is in a way his outlet for his suppressed emotions equivalent to how Adrien is able to express his own by being Chat Noir.

I see Felix as someone who was always compared to Adrien by others because of Adrien’s societal status and them being related. He always felt like he was competing with his cousin even in areas where they never crossed paths. He was always reminded of Adrien’s achievements and actions despite them being nothing alike and having completely different personalities and lifestyles.

He would constantly hear things like “Adrien is so social / so friendly / so positive why aren’t you more like him?” or “Adrien is taking fencing classes, maybe you should too?” and that name and the person himself eventually became a trigger for Felix, almost like a Pavlov’s dog’s reflex where he would immediately feel disgust and irritation every time Adrien was mentioned.

Felix was basically never allowed to be himself because he was viewed as the ‘flawed version’ of a perfect specimen (Adrien) instead of being treated as a separate person with his own personality and character traits.

Deep down Felix knows that it’s not Adrien’s fault but years of constantly being compared to his cousin left a bitter aftertaste.

It would’ve been interesting to see this type if dynamic play out and watch how two people with very similar in its core traumas are coping with it and eventually healing it through their character development, story arcs and relationships with other characters.

While Adrien’s life is controlled by his father and he uses his superhero persona to let go of everything, Felix on the other hand needs to feel in control in every area of his life to feel that he’s his own person, who structures his life independently of other’s expectations of how he should be or what he should want.



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