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Hi all! 

Last month was a really good month for content stuff! I've not been feeling the best this month so I've been finding it hard to update y'all on stuff, so I apologise for that, I hate leaving people in the dark. I'm going to try to leave updates here at least once per week so people are clued into what I am making n stuff :)

I've been working on a new growth video inside of blender! Here is a little preview of what to expect, it's slow progress as I'm still getting used to animating within blender, but it's definitely getting there! https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxv618cwnhkmkek/thing.mp4?dl=0

Also, for those that missed it, I opened up a discord! We got some cool peeps here already, so if you want a place to talk to people or post your art, it'd be a good place! https://discord.com/invite/PxXWXN4Mcs

One last thing, thank you all for your support thus far. Its almost been a year since I started this account and I never expected anything along this caliber to happen. I've been given the chance to meet a tonne of cool people and make art that people will enjoy and it's been the best feeling in the world. I hope to keep creating stuff for as long as I can!! I will try to create a twtlonger post for when the occassion happens :)


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