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I have been thinking for a way to announce this for the past few weeks now. I'm not the best with words, but please bare with me.

Let me start off by saying; Thank You.
to get straight to the point, I will be going back to school full time in September. I haven't been back to school since the pandemic, so I'm a little rusty.

What does that mean for patreon?
I'll be honest, I have no idea. When i have time to mess around with blender, i will probably post some high quality wips. Patreon still has a lot of exclusive content.
For those that want to support me for the future, feel free to support me, for those that are here for the content; Thank you for your support.
for those that want more lore:
You guys have helped me more than you know, i owe you guys more than you know.
without patreon and this community i would... i honestly while i'm writing this, i'm too scared to think what would have happened.

I'm sorry to drop this, but i need to get this off my chest. Today my IRL job management have finally collected all the pieces they need to get rid of me, I am currently seeking help to see what I can do, but I'm also hoping when I start going to school i can just focus on rendering and school stuff.

I will still be around the size community on twitter and discord, i love talking to you all of you.

TLDR; I will be going back to school full time, not sure how I will be rendering images, and I am going to lose my IRL job.


Requiem of Consoles

I'll be wishing you luck on your endeavors when it comes to school. Hope everything goes well!