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Hayami: "Huh? why are you naked? were you trying to sneak up to my foot naked?"
Hayami's toe was as tall as the citizen, enticed by her beauty he couldn't resist his urges.

Hayami then grabs the guy and begins showing their power difference:
"Are you sure you're doing your job right? I honestly can't really feel you in there.."

Hayami noticed that guy suddenly stopped resisting:
"Was that...? Did you actually come? It's only been a few seconds and I barely felt that. Doesn't matter, your work here is not done until I am satisfied"




Actually love the refleciton of Hayami's sole in the building window on the last picture. Such a neat little extra detail~


Sacrifice yourself to the goddess to stomp her rampage. What an easy choice to make lol

Subject D

Ass so wide you can block a four way intersection