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I hope it's not too late to wish everyone here a Happy New Year. I was hoping to put together a little picture to celebrate the arrival of the New Years but things have been a bit all over the place so far. I wasn't exactly feeling in the Christmas mood before, and for the first time I can remember I didn't stay up until midnight for New Year either. There's quite a lot going on in my life now, things at home that I need to resolve in these coming months to safeguard my future so that I can continue to work on the art I love.

I still have plenty of art to share of course, and my big resolution for this year to continue working on Shabbit stuff and promote this new series, not to mention getting the second book out by the middle of the year. It's going to take a lot of work but I've been really happy with the reaction to the comic so far, and I want to continue delivering on the series.

Let's see what the next few months brings, and I look forward to getting into another round of Art Revival too!



Hope your personal situation keeps improving, looking forward to another year of great art!


Thanks Killer! I just need to keep on top of it, but hopefully I can rely on friends and family to help where they can