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We've been overdue for one of these, and having had a whole run of sketches this past year that didn't make it, now is a good time to cycle through some of the old ones and see if they can make it through this time. I've picked three tfs featuring franchise characters from games etc. Let me introduce you to them now, though they make look familiar to some.

1) Lady Justice Werewolf (Malifaux)

This was on my first Art Revival poll and hasn't been seen since. My love of tabletop games and the Malifaux setting made me want to try a couple of tfs, including this one featuring the blind guild warrior Lady Justice. A werewolf character had just been introduced when I did this sketch and I'm still in the mood for a good beastly werewolf.

2) Aya Brea German Shepherd TF (Parasite Eve)

Because German Shepherds go so well with cop girls, especially with their fluffy manes and a good chance for multiboob. It's an old sketch but still has potential.

3) Rosalina Tediursa TF

Okay, this one already a second chance once before, but it can be fun to mix franchises, especially with the power of Pokémon designs.

Polls will be open for one week, and close on the 9th July at 16:00 GMT. I look forward to seeing what people vote for




These are all good choices