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Hey there guys. Sorry the artwork has been a bit slow trickling down here, there's a lot that's been going on with the new comic and my commission comic, and I fear I nearly burned myself out a bit trying to do both on top of everything else. I'm taking a moment to catch my breath and finish the commission I've already started but I thought I would share a sketch for another TF: a Xenomorph TF. I'm surprised I've never done one before, especially for my love of Tyranids. I do like the original Alien films too, though I admit the horror of the facial tf is something that took a while to figure out.



Cohasset Alicorn

Take some time as burnout is never good. Also it's not too often to see xenomorphs and this looks like it's going to be a pretty good tf. Some day I still need to work with a friend to come up with a unicorn-hybrid version of one.