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Many of you may know that TF is only one facet of my art, and many of my OCs play roles in other stories and comics that I have worked on. This includes a series I have been wanting to work on for a long time called Visions of the Phantomfield which I recently finished sketching and now I'm finally working on the inks. 

It's my most ambitious comic project to date at 65 pages long, and is going to be the start of a comic series. This comic will be available both online and in physical print, but with the aim of getting it released for my hopefully my next big convention in a few months time I'm definitely going to have my work cut out for me.

In the meantime I'm thinking about the best way to drum interest for it and share some of my WIP as I work on the comic, and maybe future comics too. One thing I'm considering is building a new Patreon site dedicated just to my non-tf work which will have a low entry bar but will still give people a chance to support this side of my work. I've also considered Ko-fi, since I quite like the idea of the tipping system. Rewards are one thing I'm also considering, especially if I can offer people the chance to get a copy of the completed comic, but I'm still working out the logistics of that. In any case I wouldn't mind getting some feedback here, so please feel free to post your comments below or message me.

Also this sketch above is my rough for the front cover. I always find covers quite tricky to do but this one I feel captures the spirit of it.

More TF art coming soon (It is Friday after all)




Awesome! I remember us talking about this one a few tomes, super excited to see the finished product.

Cohasset Alicorn

Wow a 65 page comic. That's pretty long for most artists. I hope it proves popular when you make it available.


Thanks Killer, I'm glad you remember it. Looking forward to finally having it competed uwu


It's true, it's really grown, but it's definitely what I've been aiming for for a long time. It's gonna be nice to show that it can be done.