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Greetings Patrons. It's been a while since I did an "end of the month summary" sort of thing, but I thought I would talk about what I'm currently playing, and what many other people might be playing too: Pokémon.

A little backstory, but I've been playing the games since Gen 1, and even in high school where my interest waned for a bit I tended to pick up at least one of each gen because I honestly liked the gameplay and the Pokémon. It's been a fairly big part of my life, and I've felt compelled to continue playing. I've had my favourite generations and games over the years: my persona favourites being both Gen 2 and Gen 5. At the same time, I won't lie when I say that they came into Gen 9 with lowered expectations, as while I did enjoy Legends Arceus and its fresh approach, Gen 8 was a big disappointment for me, especially with the second half of the game and postgame. I couldn't even be bothered to buy the DLC, and it's probably why I never made a TF involving, like I did with ORAS, Gen 7 and the Sinnoh series I did last year.

So how do I feel about Gen 9? While I agree that the visuals are a bit rough, and the game can get a bit glitchy, so far it hasn't detracted from what is a fun and fresh experience for a Pokémon game. This is definitely the closest I've had to an open world Pokémon game, and I feel like if it just had a little bit more polish it would possibly be one of the best to date.

At this point I'm trying to think of a good tf to mark this new game, and I'm hoping by the end of my playthrough that I should have a clearer idea or a moment of inspiration. In the meantime I can ask you guys what is your favourite Pokémon gen? Please leave a comment below.



I don't have much Pokèmon experience beyond Gen 1, but I thought the re-release of Red and Green were my faves. Ruby/Sapphire and Sun/Moon were also fun, but that's the breadth of my experience.

Cohasset Alicorn

Regarding 8 most people felt the DLCs were the best part and should have been part of the base game. What I've heard of 9 mirrors a lot of what you've said about it- they enjoy it but feel the game could use more polish and wonder if the nearly 6 year old Switch is about maxed out on it's capabilities. I would also say Gen 3 or 4 is my favorite, partially due to the remakes of Gens 1 and 2 during those times.


Kanto is still a great region with plenty of variety and memorable locations. I only ended up appreciating Ruby and Sapphire later on when I replayed them, especially with what they did with the story.


It seems to be a recurring theme with mainline switch games, where DLC becomes the best parts (I felt like that with Splatoon 2). I dunno about the switch limitations because there certainly seem to be other big open worlds that have done okay on switch like xenoblade. But then again with people on emulation getting into 60fps, you really get a feel for what this game could have been.


I will say that the remake of Gen 2 was one of my favourites, especially as Gen 2 meant a lot to me. It was the perfect example of how to remake an already great game.