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Hi there! I can't believe it's almost been a year since I reopened my Patreon, but a lot has been happening over the course of the past couple of weeks. Firstly, my outside project has come to an end. It was quite stressful at points, but I think we've done well and I've learned a lot from it. In fact, I feel quite aware that there are some things I could definitely improve on as an artist, and working with other artists with different skills and backgrounds has made me think that I do need to set some time to develop some of my core skills, from working on objects like machines, to getting more confidence with perspective and backgrounds. Let's see about starting it from tomorrow.

I do feel quite wiped out, like the adrenalin from working on the project has gone, and I do have a lot of things prepared for my next big convention at the end of the month, including a brand new comic that I'll be talking about soon. However I am happy to announce that I am starting a new collaboration with JessieNigri on FA to make a big Persona 5 TF comic. We've been discussing the plans this week and it seems like we're ready to begin, and you'll be able to see all the previews and WIP right here on my Patreon. I am not kidding when I say this is gonna be my biggest tf project to date, and I hope that people will enjoy seeing some nice hot werewolves here.


Cohasset Alicorn

Take some time after your big outside project to collect yourself and do something fun for you even if it's not art. Though it will be interesting to see what you two have planned for a Persona 5 tf comic.


That's really appreciated, thank you Coh. I will say that my next convention is also a bit of a holiday, so I'm kinda looking forward to that too. For now I've got some things I just need to finish for Patreon, but hopefully it won't be too bad