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The timing of this has been quite fortuitous. Today I managed to finally get platinum on Elden Ring. It's been a great game to play, with so much content, and I'm sure there's a lot to still see, but it'll be nice to put it away for a bit and focus on other games. Who knows, maybe if the DLC is released it'll complete it even more for me.

For now, I leave this nice tf for you all to enjoy. I hope you guys enjoy it.




Dang you already got platinum? I still haven't gotten through my second playthrough... this game is too dense, lol


It really is. I tried to do a lot in my solo playthrough, but my other two were fun co-op experiences working on specific builds and trying out the different endings. At least each playthrough felt different xD

Cohasset Alicorn

I'm not big into these Dark Souls style games myself but I know they have become very popular, Elden Ring particularly since it released, and she makes for a very good looking beastman creature.