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I've realised it's been a while since I did one of these, but I thought there were some things I needed to share as the next month or so is going to get quite busy.

Firstly I thought I would share some news about my non-tf art. I'm currently trying to promote that side of my work more on social media and various art sites. I now have a pixiv for my non-tf work at https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/80021670and I'm also posting on my old deviantart channel at: https://www.deviantart.com/rohkovaso please check those out and watch me if you're on there.

I do have two conventions coming up, including one at the end of next month, which means I'll be working in overdrive to get some new material together for it. The pic above is from it, and was part of a competition that I won last month. It's going to be an anthology of comics I've done in the past couple of years and I will post a link up when it's available to order on my Etsy store.

Other than that, I'm going to keep on plugging away at my own comic projects, and my tf commissions too! Thank you everyone for supporting me on here, I know it's been a fairly quiet month with the covid etc and I'll be uploading this months patreon sketches from tomorrow!



Cohasset Alicorn

Good luck and have fun at the two cons you have lined up, particularly the one coming up. That's cool you won a competition last month and the above is a nice picture so will definitely have to check it out once it's on your Etsy store.