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First journal of a new year. It's nice to have a fresh start and I'm looking forward to getting some longstanding projects out of the way. One of these is my comic website, which will host all my old non-tf manga projects and be a place to read the new ones before I print them out. It's been a bit of a pain trying to get it to work the way I want it, and it's gonna take a little bit longer to get everything on there but if you want to see how it looks right now you can visit it here: https://dreadlevi.com/

Post Christmas tends to feel a bit lonely, and all the covid stuff hasn't helped. I certainly feel pretty productive with art, but there's still plenty to do, it just feels like I'm only scratching the surface of my big to-do list. I just hope I can find a good balance between my art and having fun uwu;

Maybe I should post more stuff here about my hobbies? Keep you posted about what I'm making that's non-tf, or places that I want to go to? I definitely want to do more audience engagement, and I have some potential project ideas that I think will work well here to do that. I might save them until the Pokémon series is done, which at the current rate will last a couple of months, but we'll see how things go!

Thank you to all my Patrons here, and I hope you'll like all the art that is to come!



Cohasset Alicorn

Oooo excellent final pokemon. Up to you on what all you post here on Patreon- I know most people are here for the tfs but certainly as long as you continue to do them it's fine to post other stuff. I can agree on post-Christmas feeling a bit lonely and slow, though the slow down at work has been nice since we go pretty hard through most of November and December. The website is simple but looks decent so far.