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Hello everyone. It's been quite a while since I posted on here after closing down the Patreon a couple of years ago. I have deleted some of the old journal entries to clean things up but it came down to the fact that I wasn't producing enough material to sustain the Patreon and I was struggling to figure out the direction it should take.

A lot has changed in those past couple of years, for everyone I imagine. Corona, the lockdowns, the changing nature of my fulltime work, it gave me an opportunity to consider my future and where this kind of art fitted in my life. I feel a lot more confident about it now, and I can see now that there are plenty of things I still want to do with TF.

Now I am a fulltime artist, working both on TF art and non-TF art, but this place will remain a repository for my TF. I will be looking into a second Patreon for my other projects but first things first we'll focus on this Patreon and get it up and running.

You may notice that there is a brand new look to my Patreon and some new tiers too. I am having a go with taking sketch commissions on here to boost up the earnings, while making sure not to overdo it. I notice there are a few people still subscribed and if you guys are still interested in supporting me then please check out some of these new tiers. I have plenty of new material incoming here, including some exclusive WIPs. And for those who want to just look at my previous sketches, they should now be available for even New Moon Tiers.

If you guys have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. I want to build a fair Patreon that you guys will enjoy.


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