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To my Patrons

Firstly I would like to thank everyone who has been a part of this Patreon, whether they are people who have stayed on for the long run, who have joined recently, and those who have donated and left, your support has meant a lot to me. This has been an interesting year with so many changes that have happened in my life and its been great having you all here. I'm always thinking about the future of the Patreon and there is going to be a big shake up to my Patreon system that I will be implementing before the new year starts.

The most significant change is that I will no longer be doing the community commissions, and this will mean that the $3 and $9 tiers will now be null and void. I will be reverting the Patreon to essentially what it was when I first started it, making it a tip jar for sketches and WIP, something which has become somewhat absent in recent months.

There are many reasons why I'm scrapping the community commissions, but the main one comes down to changes in my life and the time I have to work on art. When I first brought in the system I was relying on Patreon to help provide my basic income and I was doing my best to promote it. Then in the middle of the year I took on a full time job, and wanted to keep the Patreon projects going as an extra source of income. But unfortunately it hasn't proved too successful balancing the two together, and it has resulted in quite a bit of stress, as well as slowing down other projects, including important convention work.

Now I know that quite a few people will be disappointed; many joined this and put in a fair bit to take part in the voting or suggestions. For those who will consider leaving or reducing their monthly donations, I won't blame you for doing so. For those who stay, you have my heartfelt thanks and I do promise to continue using this Patreon as a place for putting up WIPs. Perhaps in time it may develop into something more, but we'll see what the future holds.

I will be implementing the change this coming weekend, if you have further questions or comments please write in the comments below.

Best wishes for the New Year




I'll still be eager to see your sketches and concepts as usual, friend! Always hoping to see more of your OCs and stories as usual ;D I wish you a great 2019!!

Cohasset Alicorn

It's unfortunate as the community themed pieces are fun and there are certainly a lot of creative ideas from those that follow you but I can understand the difficulty in having the time amongst everything going on in your life.


Thank you Bestie! I feel like this year is gonna be a good year to bring all these OCs back to the fore. Just need to clear the last backlog and we can really have fun with both East of the Moon and phantomfield uwu


It is a shame. Perhaps in the future there will be a place for something like this, but with the way things are it'll have to wait. Still, I hope it means we'll get into some nice projects soon