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To my $9 commissioners.

Thank you for waiting so patiently regarding the community commission updates. I needed a bit of time to recover after the convention and to get my thoughts together regarding this month's commission. As I mentioned earlier there are some issues I have wanted to iron out with the community commissions and I want to try out something a little different, so please read the following rules before you submit your entry:

1) For this month I will ask you $9 tier guys not to submit a scenario but instead give me an animal species that has rarely if ever been used in TF. This has to be an actual animal species (not a fantasy one). The only other limitation for this month is that it needs to be a mammal (this is to keep things fair for all patrons).

2) People will have 5 days to then submit an animal via the google form. I will be much stricter my curation this time, so if I get a submission of something which is common in tf or doesn't fit the criteria I will reject it. I will alert you if your submission has been rejected, and you will have the chance to resubmit an idea within the time limit, but once the deadline has been reached I will not accept any more entries.


My main reason for doing is that I've been getting some submissions that haven't been following the rules, and it hasn't been fair on the rest of the patrons who have submitted imaginative ideas. If you have any questions about what is and isn't allowed, please message me and I will be happy to help. I also want to avoid incidents where everyone submits stuff at the last minute, which doesn't give me a chance to properly curate.


3) I will put together a poll of the accepted suggestions and we'll have a vote as usual to decide which one will be the community commission. I will select a girl and scenario to fit the tf species, but overall this should speed things up a bit.

4) This is a test run, and will not necessarily replace the scenario suggestion system. I quite like some of the classic tfs and people have suggested really nice scenarios in the past involving them, but it would be nice to explore a greater variety of species since I know a lot of people follow me for this reason.

That should sum it all up quite nicely. If there are any problems or questions please let me know here.

Please follow the the link for the updated community commission form: https://goo.gl/forms/MhmVmPlLCbVPqwGJ3

This form will close on Thursday 8th November at 9pm GMT.



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