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Hello guys. I'm back now from my holiday in Japan and I had to admit I was a bit worried about the timing before I left. I had a backlog of commission work and was beginning to wonder about what I would have for the upcoming convention season. Now though, I'm actually rather grateful that I have had a break as it has given me a chance to take a look at the bigger picture and figure things out. I'll probably write a bigger journal about it on FA but let's just say for now that the break has helped me think about my priorities and how better to balance my different projects.

I have just opened the suggestion box for the new theme: Spirit of Japan, which can be interpreted in so many ways that I'm sure we'll get some fun results. People may have noticed already but I have put a cap on the number of people that can enter the suggestion tier, since I think any more than 5 will just get ridiculous, especially with so few people in the voting tiers. Currently there is a space for one more on the $9 tier, and with the current total at $57, the final image will most likely be a 2 part monochrome image like the Dust Bunny tf was. The box will be open until the 9th April, after which I will be opening the polls.

I thank people for their continued support of me here, and for my commissioners patience. It means a lot that you guys like my work and I would like to continue to give you guys good quality tfs



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