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Hello everyone! This is the first of the art updates for this months community challenge! Since we had a tie I decided to split the reward between both of them and so both of these will be Monochrome Single Image TFs. So here I give you a mid-tf of a girl transforming into a werekelpie, standing with water up to her knees as the moonlight falls upon on her. I tried to make these two winners as distinct as possible in theme and feel, and given the dark nature of Kelpies I went with a more horror-ish theme here.



Cohasset Alicorn

Nice job and certainly kelpies themselves are fairly rare, let alone were-style kelpies.


Well I don't do enough horses, let alone mythological and folklore ones xD

Cohasset Alicorn

That sounds like something you should probably work on :D I'd even imagine you could do some really pretty unicorn gals.