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In my spare time, I've been playing a bit of Ever Oasis for the 3DS. It's a fun little game, a little repetitive at times, but I really loved the art design and world building they had going and I'd love to see them expand the world further into a more ambitious game too. There were a lot of cute species that were worthy of TF but this one worked particularly well with my OCs Chat and Suzume, both of whom are big gamers.

Apologies for this one being a little rough, it was a concept that took a while to get down.




the size dif :3c love these two so much (the dat ass actually killed me) xD

Cohasset Alicorn

I've heard the game is pretty good though I don't own a 3DS myself. I've been tempted to get one but I have trouble figuring out where to put it into the budget.


Yeah the size change was what sealed it for me! Glad i made ya laugh too >w


Yeah, the logistics of paying for both the console and the game etc. can make things rack up. Though when it comes to 3DS, its easy to get the old models cheaper

Cohasset Alicorn

That is certainly true. Also the 2DS can be a nice alternative since so many of the games don't really make much use of the 3D.

Cohasset Alicorn

With Nintendo releasing a 2DS version a few years ago that instantly meant that 3D was going to become niche since it meant some of the newer games being made either couldn't be sold on the 2DS or would require changes in the porting. It's not too unlike what happened with the Kinect and Move- The Playstation Move still sees some life from VR but the Kinect has been pretty much dead for Microsoft since they made it an optional thing (As I understand the Kinect is still really big in nongaming fields- I've seen people do very inexpensive motion-capture work with it).