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Offers is now, officially completed! Chapter 1 redraw is finished and with that, both series have finally laid down the groundwork I needed to make way for District 96!  

Over the next few weeks my posts will be a bit different, there is still a lot of work needed before District 96 can be started in full swing. I've got more writing, backgrounds, thumbnails and designs and more to hammer out and polish off before giving you all the best quality comic I possibly can.

In the meantime time, I still have plenty to share with everyone! In continued collaboration with Comet and Saturn, I will be sharing a fully written epilogue chapter. This chapter will feature Tedrick, facing loose ends and growing concerns as his world collides with the magic of the District. As well as continued QnA's, polls, monthly illustrations, discord chats and so on~

This chapter will be considered part of a collection called Chapter 0, everything leading up to District 96 will be considered part of this. Chapter 0 will consist of written chapters, canon-lore drops, related illustrations and more! Everything considered and labeled as  Chapter 0 will be important or tied to the main, canon events of the comic with the aim of giving everyone a deeper look into the world and story of District 96!  

With that, I would like to thank everyone for reading my comics and this news post so far! Your support has brought me this far and I hope to continue forward with you all. Thank you for the opportunity, support and community that has given me the chance to tell my story in the best way that I can~!




I can't wait so read District 96 and seeing everyone again :3. Your comics are so amazing ☺️