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I finally took the time to get some map work in! Since the series is long and we've got quite a few characters, I thought it would be fun to finally update this thing after 2+ years with new locations, characters and more~

Some details are hidden, and I'm not 100% done, but here's a big bulk of the progress c:< Sorry for kinda silly lore. Maps are a bit 'extra' but it helps me with writing so here ya go~




As a reader I love maps! I always end up trying to envision all the "boring" parts that aren't explicitly written or shown, like which route did they take or how many stop lights did they pass. Just having a visual representation of the distance is nice. So, thanks, I love it! and it isn't silly lore!

Rebis Bilphin

I kinda assumed Ras was wealthy, but if he has an estate that size he must be RICH rich