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After their discussion Mason and Jules head out to the Gourmand after being invited by Seb- only to be confronted by news of the company shut down. Sebastian, disheveled and stubborn, refuses to budge on Mason's insistent questions, sharing no information with them. As quick as they arrived, Seb begins shoving the pair out the door and away with no real closure...




I get the feeling that we're going to be very sorry for Sebastian once we learn just what the consequences for this are. He's really just been acting out because he's under more pressure than a diver at the bottom of the ocean and now Ras is really enjoying making him feel as bad about it as possible...or at least that's how it seems to me.

Enlightener of Cryptozoology

Nils appearing behind Seb like “don’t you tell them.” While Seb is tensed up now from that instead of anger. XD