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*Subject to change, as always :0

My tablet is busted! So the last two Patreon illustrations I have scheduled for September will be delayed but don't worry. I have a warranty and once I send my broken one and they send me a new one, I'll be hopping right onto those! This should NOT delay comic posts. I have enough pages for another week. So unless the mail system makes this take 1-2 weeks everything should continue as normal!

Patron Summary:

Stolen Tastes has one last post of 10 pages before it goes on break before it's finale~
Offers returns after a one week break for it's final scenes c:<
There will be no illustration poll this month. Instead I'll be doing a weight gain drive with Ras! I'm hoping to have some polls involved in his drive ♠
VIP Requests will still open on the first. While there won't be a poll to feature them, I will still try and draw any that are submitted between pages and the drive!

Public Summary:

Offers continues to post every Wednesday on my website and deviantArt until the 25th! Then we swap gears to Stolen Tastes again~
Illustrations will post every Friday with a few bonuses on Tuesdays~

Extra details:

♠ If you don't know already, we are in the final stretch of Offers and Stolen Tastes as the main comic series I make! For in depth details, look here~ Case in point, there are about 1-2 parts left of Stolen Tastes and about 5 left for Offers before the end >:0 !! Insanity! So check out the news post I mentioned to learn about how that will work and what will come next!

♠ The new Monthly Goal Meter has not changed, so no updates there this month. Read this post here for details. But the more that bar fills, the more content I can offer!!

♠ The Spanish translation for Offers is still in the works! I need help funding each chapter however so I can pay my assistants. If you would like to help fund this, check out my Kofi where I will be accepting donations~!

♠ If you haven't joined the discord, but wish to, please link your Patreon account by following this article! It is the only way for patron members to receive the roles needed to see the exclusive channels.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to comment below or DM me anywhere!




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