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Hey all! I'm making some changes to the tiers here for the new year~

• Change your tier (if you want to) on January first to avoid an extra charge.
(ie: $2 to $5, you are charged an extra $3 for December automatically)

If you want to know how this effects you as a current patron:

$2 Bakery Bud Tier loses poll access and full-resolution images but that's all. You still get to see everything I post early~

$5 Token Junkie Tier doesn't change at all!

$30 ♠ Tier is being suspended due to the fact the additional commissions were putting a bit of a toll on me when I'm trying to post 5-8 pages a week and illustrations c': I'm replacing it with the $10 Tastes Influencer tier~

If anyone has questions or concerns feel free to message me!



AL Wakan

so do I change tiers or is the 30$ teir gonna be automatically moved to the next one since it won't exist anymore


why is the only change taking away perks from the 2 dollar tier?


*If you're lowering tiers I would do it now, even for the $30 tier to avoid accidental charges in the new month!


Originally I never had a $2 Tier! I added it late in the summer when I was uploading maybe a few comic pages a month. Now that all my daily time and effort is going into the comic and art, instead of getting rid of the $2 tier like before, I just adjusted things so people can still read and access my work for the smaller price instead~.