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Full Res Edition
Contains lore, demons, extreme weight and is text heavy.

Despite the unexpected... size of Sebastian, Posh tries to strike a deal. But Seb has already danced that dance. This demon is going to have to up his game if he's going to snag this Candidate...




Big seb ヽ(ヅ)ノ really interested to see how it all plays out as i imagine the most direct way of reversing the weight would have token take it back tho idk if he’d be willing to :/


There's definitely something to be said about "deals with the devil," but I'm getting the sense that demons in this story aren't quite the equivalent they are in reality or some other media. Here, they seem to exist as another form of magical being, not necessarily the souls of the dammed, but they still prey upon people's vices as a form of nourishment, or perhaps it grants them power (maybe both)? That's just speculation atm, and Posh isn't exactly doing this because he feels bad for Seb. But an approach like that does open for very interesting possibilities...