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This time I managed to finish a little early. 




Nice chapter. There one important typo I saw. Around panel 17, 02 use he when offering to take him to and from work. Could you translate the magic spell sayings are? I want to see what happens when he says those spells and which spell is said when.

Ali Ali

In panel 22 , why Hina-chan saying this about Naomi ? I did not understand what happened .


Here is a detailed explanation of the spell. https://turbofuture.com/internet/Moe-Moe-Kyun But in short, both spells mean tasty. And this error is a small typo. One that no one paid attention to. And as for using these spells, Moe Moe is more cute.


In the first chapter when Hiro is sitting in his new room it is mentioned. In short it was a girl that Hiro had a crush on but it didn't work out


So more moe moe Kyun is to make the person you point out very happy. The other is to make the food very tasty. Have to see if the choker has any effect besides covering his Adam Apple.

Ali Ali

Oh now I understand. I forgot the events of the first chapter, which is why I was surprised when he said this