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Here are all the most useful links for engaging with this Patreon page.


Latest Release Changelist and Download Links: https://trapquest.com/2024/04/06/trap-quest-release-15-version-1-1/

Beta Tester ($5) unlock file: https://www.patreon.com/posts/donators-unlock-1675414

Alpha Tester ($20) unlock file (there's a new one every couple of months or so): https://www.patreon.com/posts/100371430

Alpha Tester Debug Commands are at the bottom of here: https://trapquest.com/restricted-features/

"I'm struggling to launch the game" troubleshooting: https://trapquest.com/please-help-me-run-the-game-i-have-the-dumb/

Shame Games Twitter account (this is where you'll find frequent updates on development milestones and when you might be able to expect the next version to arrive): https://twitter.com/NSFWShameGames

Problems? Lonely? Horny? Come chat with the Discord community: https://discord.gg/shamegames


Sometimes I publish other lewdness I've created or helped create and am allowed to share with my patrons. Recently we've had...

Cursed Armour Audio Porn Series: http://trapquest.com/p/392c7c4d-ac4c-4ca1-ad5d-99830088961a/

Tsundere Experience Audio Porn Series: https://trapquest.com/p/171df60c-394b-4527-b543-da47e0aea20b/

Meet the Gladiator (Trap Quest Audio Porn): https://www.jayewilde.com/post/f4m-meet-the-gladiator

Love Of Your Life proof-of-concept: https://www.patreon.com/posts/24700403

Diaper Quest (the diaper-humiliation-focused version of Trap Quest): https://www.patreon.com/diaperquest

Aika's Twitter account (lewdness, memes, politics etc.): https://twitter.com/AikaMcSlut



The game states that i cannot unlock alpha tester file, for version is too outdated. Is there any known quick fix for this issue?

Able Bodie

No Diaper quest?


It is against Patreon's rules apparently, so if you want to support us to make that, you need to go to our SubscribeStar

Able Bodie

Ah, ok. I didn't know you had SubscribeStar. I prefer that anyway, for exactly what you mentioned.

Able Bodie

I can't find you on SubscribeStar. What name should I look for?

Able Bodie

Thanks. So I'm looking, is Diaperquest actually available? Or is it 'in development' but not yet released?


This isn't really an appropriate place to ask such questions. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, Discord, etc, or, you know, answer your own question by using Google.


wana update the debug commands on the trapquest restricted page?


You should definitely have alcohol enabled as an alpha tester, if you don't that's a serious bug, sorry! I'll look into it soon.


I too would love to see an updated commands list.


Ah, I know that at least the 'addiction' commands don't seem to work anymore with the exception of semen addiction.


In the 'Alpha Tester Debug Commands' link in this post, as well as on the wiki.


hello i just payed for the alpha tester but the unlocker doesn't seem to be working.. don't know if im doing something wrong orr?? im very confused lol..


I loaded the unlock file but now the actual game wont launch


it just says the thank you message


what do i have to pay to get the clothing character window

a brave hedgehog

I am completely black out drunk and I have no idea how I just becaema a patreon of you people

Kai OP

Cursed Armour is totally awesome!!!

Mad Owl

I really like the clothing window, but it doesnt express a significant portion of physical changes and i think that hurts it. The character facial expressions are brilliant though, having come from the strateg version. I do hope more of the physical changes will be portrayed in time.


Unfortunately that's not really practical. But we do plan to improve the representation of body shape in the rest of the UI.

Anthonio Salaris

I cannot access the beta unlock file. Where can I find it?


Beta unlock file does not seem to be accessible to beta tier.


Thank you. If helpful, I did the annual subscription instead of the monthly so maybe there is a bug?