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Hi guys, I'm only four days late this time! That's, like, starting to be a good month for me! >.<

Anyway I hope you enjoy the new stuff. I'm particularly interested to see how people feel about the new seduction system and if people have any suggestions for how I could make it better.

Changelist:  https://trapquest.com/2020/02/05/trap-quest-release-11-version-3-0/ 

Strateg Version: https://area57.cloud/index.php/s/6taW4o7TK5rriB4/download

Strateg Version MEGA Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!mskjgIpB!fvkidXtm_NGp6GDautPcr8OmDxoXb1E1gDhuYAnjp1Y


Petter Wäss

Bug: I got a Pure Diamond Ring from being fucked by the Dmeoness while wearing the Golden Tiara, its saying it doesn't have its text shortcut set up directly and I should report it. So I am :)