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The new version that will recognise this file isn't up yet but I want to make sure that February patrons have access to this as promised.

R10V3.1 will NOT recognise this file, wait until the next version to begin using this file.

To unlock the content (including the ability to use 'debug'):

1) Download the attached gblorb file into the same folder as Trap Quest. 

2) Run this file as if it was a game. 

3) You're done!  'Debug' should now work in the main game, and this is the best way to check that the file is working correctly.

After using this file you do NOT need to also use the beta unlock file; the alpha file unlocks everything.  In fact using the beta unlock file will override what you've done here and prevent the use of debug commands.

This file will not work on any versions of the game published before February 2018.

To update the file in the middle of a playthrough, type 'update donators file'. 



a useful command i think would be one to clear all the items on the floor


is the debug file going to be updated anytime soon?