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Hi guys, Happy Valentine's Day!

So, similar but different to what I was doing in January, I've been learning more about what Inform 7 can do, especially with accepting inputs and rendering media, to try and better understand how I can potentially reduce lag in TQ and improve the new GUI, in a new project document, so that I can do it without needing to wait 20 minutes every time I hit the compile button.

What started as an exercise in testing Inform's capabilities by trying to implement one of my favourite minigames from my favourite RPG from my childhood (FF8), quickly turned into a lewd game that actually works really well, and I've ended up obsessing over it for the last week, turning it into a playable proof-of-concept in time for Valentines Day.

The idea of the game is to allow the player to live out all the tropes of the "magical girl fights tentacle monsters and demons" genre of hentai movies, via the medium of a quick and simple card game, which ends up having quite a lot of nuance to the strategy.

There's not much there right now - just a couple of available combat encounters against a tentacle monster and a demon, and also there's a tutorial, but it is already quite enough to give you a good idea of how the game will play, so please give it a try.

The story of the game works like this: You, the player, are the assigned partner of a magical girl, who works for a secret organisation that fights evil. You essentially have to watch her fight and make decisions for the two of you, and you'll eventually fall in love. However if her addictions get too high, she may be lost to the dark side permanently. The game will therefore have a bit of a 'cuckolding' vibe in that you're going to be seeing your lover fucked by bad guys a lot of the time, and she's going to enjoy it more and more as the game goes on. There'll also be significant incentives to push the player-character into a submissive role (and potentially even a sissy role) for benefits in combat, or to avoid other negative outcomes, but it will in the end be up to you whether you end up submissive or dominant in the bedroom with your lover.

My overall plan for the game would be as follows: The game will autosave itself with every action, so is a kind of 'enforced roguelike' game. Every time your magical girl is lost to pleasure, and voluntarily submits herself as a permanent sex servant for the bad guys, it's a game over, but the game keeps a record of a few things in the game universe - the status of the game universe and the main overarching plot, some facts about your main character's previous lovers, and so on. Then, when you start a new game, you'll have the same main character, and he'll get assigned a new partner magical girl. So most of the game will be similar to last time - building your relationship with the girl, fighting demons, and so on, but the main plot will already be partially underway so the missions available to you might be different. Perhaps certain missions will be extremely difficult and might take you 10 or 20 girls to get past! Also, the game might bring your old lovers back for a cheeky scene or encounter here or there, and then you can think 'oh yeah I remember her, shame she's a succubus now...'.

So yeah, that's my idea, and why the TQ hotfix has taken so long, sorry! But due to the theming of the game I thought that Valentine's Day would be an excellent day to drop this and see what you think.

I know if M2F is the only reason you like my stuff then this might not be particularly interesting to you, but I'm hoping that's a relatively small number of you. If enough people like it, then I might get one of my artists to make some custom animations for the game rather than random placeholders I've taken from the Internet for the time being, and allocate a couple of days a month to continue its development into the future.

The game runs awfully in Windows Git, which handles the rendering of multiple images really really badly (i.e. slowly), so animations don't work, so I have included a copy of Gargoyle for Windows with this game. Please use Gargoyle to play this one.

Please please please let me know what you think of this idea, either on here, or on the #patrons channel on the Discord server at https://discord.gg/QtKEtdS 

If you don't say anything, then you simply won't be having any influence over whether a bit of my time and attention is diverted in this direction.

The TQ Hotfix will with any luck be up by the end of tomorrow.

Lots of Love,

Aika, your benevolent Goddess of smut



Can you have a choice for lesbian option? I think that would make an excellent game. Have not seen a large number of this type of games out there.


This sounds amazing will give it a try... or two... lol


Just played for a bit, encountered both enemies multiple times, can not wait for more content. I think some eventual femdom, sissy, and maybe forced bisex in combat would be perfect additions. Also for losses also have an ending scene and maybe the main character get brought in depending on sub/dom stat. Getting forced to share in the loss sounds too good!


I don't know why but this game just strikes a chord with me. I love the concept of this game as well as the puzzle aspect. I know its been a couple years and should have said something sooner, but I just wanted to let you know I am a big fan and I really hope its still in development.


Thanks! One of the team is actually actively working on implementing it in something better than Inform 7 so we're still pretty confident that it might one day see the light of day!