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At the start of every year, I do a survey of every patron to try and understand how you are all feeling, and work out what I can do better. If you have miscellaneous feedback for the past year beyond the questions in this survey, please feel free to comment on this patreon post or message me privately.

This year, the survey should take you no longer than ten minutes, and you will be a part of influencing what I spend my efforts on during this next year.


Thank you for your time!

Love from Aika


Notalie Portman

I just want to note that my personal preferences are between the Strateg default and the “Less Saggy 1”, but closer to LS1. I’ve been one of the critics, but I don’t think Strateg’s current renders are way off from ideal.

prentice barry

i feel like some of the choices available to answer the questions leaned a little to heavily in a particular slant, an example would be question 15 which i feel didnt have much choices on the other end of the preferences to accurately represent my personal preferences, whilst about half of the choices did and i selected the ones that do align with myself, because of several questions in the survey having this issue i feel that it didnt allow for a clearer picture to be developed and as a result it may cause an accidental bias to form regarding the perceived opinions and preferences of your patrons, just thought i'd bring it up since i enjoy your work and hope for you to be able to continue making the best content possible that you can, whilst at the same time being something you enjoy making