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Hey all, wow what a month it's been! I'll make a proper blog post detailing my adventures with Inform soon but for now I wanted to keep my promise I made on Twitter of getting something for alpha testers to play with before the end of the month.

I've compiled and uploaded the (now working again, woo!) Wonderfuller window version of the game in the new 6M62 platform version, to prove to you that I've got it (mostly) working and that it's enabling me to work on some pretty cool stuff!

Download it here (approx 451MB): http://trapquest.com/game/TrapQuest181001W.gblorb

This version is UNSTABLE, often INCOMPLETE and every new feature is just a WORK-IN-PROGRESS and therefore not what the finished product is likely to look like. And since several of the new features can't be disabled in this version, please do treat this as a demo more than a proper play-through.

With that out of the way, let me explain what stuff is in the works that you'll be able to see in this demo...

* Loads more windows! Each can be opened and closed at will.

- Inventory window (has several different 'tabs')

- Graphical Inventory window 

- Graphical Clothing window

- Graphical Location & Cutscene window 

* These windows work in tandem, so if some are closed then others will pick up the slack in the most appropriate way possible

* They have clickable buttons!!! So each item can be clicked on to examine it, and interacted with (at least in the most common ways)

* NPCs have visible health bars

* Map window has clickable buttons for navigation and common actions

* Map window has stickmen that indicate stance (and you can click it to stand or kneel)

* Map window has zoom

* Internal windows resize themselves immediately upon you resizing the game window

Remember this is more of a proof-of-concept than a beta GUI, so be aware that we're still very much working on the actual UI design and graphics and so on, and obviously there's still a ton of images and buttons missing.

I've worked so very hard this month to the detriment of a lot of other stuff in my life so I hope you're as excited as I am for what this sort of functionality might mean for the future of TQ!

Love from Aika



I'm liking the new design :) PS Images are doubling up.

Notalie Portman

This is really excellent! I definitely plan to try this out, though I normally don’t bother, because I respect your effort and because I do want to make sure to give feedback early.

Notalie Portman

Seems to mostly work, though the windows weren’t really arrangable in Gargoyle for me, and I also got stuck when the goo girl was trying to force her way in because it didn’t recognize any of my answers as valid, including when I clicked on hyperlinks. Regardless, I can see the loads of effort this must have taken. Thanks!

Notalie Portman

Whoops! Misread how windows were supposed to behave. They work just as discerned.


The GUI demo is an amazing transition from the classic version, and runs really smoothly in Win Git. Great work!