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Hey all my lovely delicious people, I'm back from vacation, feeling very refreshed, and have been working hard to get a hotfix up as quickly as possible. I'm just letting you know that it's now live (but still only for the Danaume and Keriax windows).


There's two other things I want to quickly talk about. Firstly, for all you US-based patrons, you are quite possibly aware by now that Patreon has moved its banking and payment processing stuff for adult creators to the UK, for legal reasons, to keep us all going on this awesome rollercoaster of well-funded indie smut! The downside is that US banks are particularly weird about international transactions compared to the rest of the world, and some of you will have been getting, or may now start getting, emails about failed transactions. If this happens, Patreon should provide you with all the information you need so I'm not going to duplicate that here. But rest assured if you get a call from your bank that it's not fraud, it's just them panicking when they're reminded that there's a world outside of the US border ;-)

The other thing I want to talk to you about briefly, is that we (the dev team) are going to be working our butts off in Septmeber (and possibly beyond) to migrate the code to the latest version of Inform 7. We've been holding off on this for as long as we could, but it's got to the point where two of the character windows have stopped working and now we just really need to do it! The side effect is that there'll be a lot less development of actual new content until we get this complete and working. I'll be making a much larger blog post about this sometime soon but I just wanted to let you guys, who are essentially our employers, know first. Essentially during this time we'll be unable to make any major changes to the main game itself, and instead be limited to working on things that don't really interact with the main engine, such as epilogues and other flavour. So for those of you that love the epilogues, maybe this is good news, haha! Anyway, thank you for your understanding and patience, and as always from the very bottom of my heart, thank you all so much for helping make my dream job a reality, and allowing us to put all this work into making TQ even bigger and greater than ever.

Stay sexy everyone! Love from Aika


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